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Yeah fonterra printer is pretty balls and we got a plotter as well.

think ill run it through on a piece of plastic first and check that way. so far from anything square or logical its tricky. although would like to try machining blacktop throttles to make more round..

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If u scan a flange then sit 2 rulers in the picture with the flange when u scan it. On one left right and one top to bottom. Then you can scale the picture in your drawing program and draw overtop. This really only applies to shit drawing program's.


I've put turbo chargers in the photocopier/scanner at work in the past, works well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome man. I have uploaded most of my files into the server here, there is a basic front end on the forum that I will give access to the public once it's done. It looks pretty shit at the moment (basically files need thumbnails,titles & descriptions) and I just have no time. If any of you GC's want to run this for me let me know? I can give a couple guys access to edit and upload files and it can be your baby. PM me anyone who is keen and ill run it past the other mods.

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  • 1 month later...

nuts.. it appears the 4age big port intake file i got from zpenzor is the same as the one on that sweet 'street racing.co.za' thread, which is actually for a small port.

anyone got a big port intake flange file?

otherwise, would anyone know if the bolt pattern is the same between big and small port, so i can modify just the port shapes to suit..?


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