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Having it in DXF is a better idea as it is a universal file format, so can be opened/edited/viewed in pretty much all decent CAD programs. Laser/water cutters etc may not accept solidworks files if people want to send files directly to the cutters.

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Need some solidworks help please!

I have a box with drafted sides


and i want to get a stainless shield cut that fits nicely inside this box, and i want it say 5mm from the top. How do i get solidworks to basically let me make a sketch that follows the faces where the plane i want to draw on intersect the model?

I have done one before, but i didnt like the way i did it. What i did was roll back to before all the fillets etc and create a new sketch and do a convert entities of the bottom of the box. Then extruded that up to the height i wanted with the 1deg draft on it, created another sketch on top of that with a convert entities of the top face, deleted the silly extrusion i made and just fixed all the lines on the remaining sketch.

Not the best way to do it, but it worked. Whats the correct way? surely solidworks has a feature where it draws a sketch of where a plane intersects a body?

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I'm not sure if I'm interpreting what you want to do properly, but have you tried making a new plane offset 5mm from the top face (click on top face, reference geometry, plane, change offset).


Then create a new sketch on your plane, select the edges you want to sketch (hold down control, click on each edge), then either convert entities or offset entities. I would probably recommend offset entities so there is a 1mm gap.

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ah, cool. I didnt realise i could do that. Cant do an offset entity though from the faces, but if i select the faces, convert entities, delete the crap i dont need and then offset those and set the original ones to construction, it should work.

Cheers :)

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cheers. I thought that option wasnt available inside the sketch before, but it is.


I normally wouldnt care but it has to be pretty close to stop people from poking things at the 250V DC underneath it

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