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Ned last won the day on November 14 2015

Ned had the most liked content!

About Ned

  • Birthday 01/29/1986

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  1. Wheres the floor DJ?
  2. fuck yeah, off the the riverhead tavern in no time!
  3. believe it or not, i still have all of these and remain even after every clean up and cull in the shed ive had every few years. One day when im old and grey and retired maybe hahahaha
  4. Dave in his 'happy place' in his undies getting itchy
  5. @UTERUS i know you dont like tent walls, but you should buy it anyway
  6. cheers, i have 2, but could always do with a 3rd if @kempy isnt gonna bid?
  7. I'm staying at the kiwi holiday park in upper hutt which l, as I've just realised, is attached to a disc golf park, and I have my discs in the car! Now, I'm not super keen on going alone because it's a little boring, and I'm not good enough to join some randos... But if anyone feels like throwing a disc around (I have extras) then hit me up! I'm by no means good, so happy to play with freshies, no experience required, enquire within etc Here until Friday AM
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