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tortron last won the day on December 26 2024

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  1. Digit extract 🫠
  2. BIN Il pull it out and start a deeper inspection unless I find a working 2nd hand one for cheap
  3. Drain clean, full pressure to the machine and inlet filter clean. It finished the last cycle normally, leaving it on for a while it doesn't attempt to do anything, and the restart/change a program mid way procedure doesn't do anything. Have turned on, off, off at the wall, massaged all the buttons incase one is sticky, and back on
  4. Punishing dishwasher repair chat Robinhood RHDW4345W All of a sudden now when turning on just makes 1 beep and then a light cycles through the 4 programs No mention of this in the manual or anywhere I can see. No buttons do anything, holding each one down for 5 seconds does nothing either Lights stop cycling if I open the door/trigger the door latch. Assume it's probably a control board issue?
  5. Kind of surprised you didn't go for canvas "doors" for weight savings
  6. Tame tig man will move an alloy outlet I'm sure
  7. Dimensions of heater core? Just get something cheap and common that fits in thr box and 3d print spacers/foam tape it in
  8. I have a similar facer in my sparkplug rethreading kit. Must remember it when I have a pan the right thread
  9. tortron


    Gloves, hooded overalls, and glasses cover pretty much everything else You should really have a positive air mask for 2k, but as you are painting 1 car it's OK imo to just do what you can iykwim
  10. tortron


    The round ones? I have a shit ton of these organic filters Can send you a bag full along with a pile of prefilters
  11. The cores I have enquired about have started at double that and gone up
  12. Oh that's it, looks like fuel filler and small gauge below it on this
  13. On the tank? You get used to it after a day
  14. Stitch up, fill with expanding foam. I saw it in an ,surprisingly not Pakistan, American shit old tractor not worth tyres video
  15. Some modern window winders could be found in either a y10 or y11 nissan advan. The povo spec ones had them. Possibly same spline being a Datsun wagon but 25 years in the future
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