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  1. Also while looking for scraps, I found I still had the internals of the original filter Which fit exactly into the ammo tin. Also, if I were to cut it down further, to give it a square profile, I could use the original filter set up, and mount the tin on its side, so it opens out. This would also let me use the top surface for the intake/snorkel to rack tube. Which is convenient
  2. I looked around at some bits of pipe, but came back to the ammo tin This is it at 5" tall
  3. I will continue to look for some bit of rubbish that will do the job, but I'm currently thinking I take this ammo box And cut some height out of it, so it fits under the tank and above the chain guard. It's then a good size for the filter to fit in. Width wise it sticks out less than the exhaust. A bolt either end and maybe a hinge on the bottom, so you can swing it out, clear of the tank to open it (using the original latch and seal) I will then probably connect the snorkel to the rear rack like factory, or some improvement of that That's what I'm currently thinking anyways, il give it a few days
  4. Welded up the other side of the tail. Patched the rust hole in the battery compartment Decided to cut off the rear pegs, I can't see them being used (I only have the brackets anyway) Pulled the engine out and put the supposed runner in China carb filter is going in the bin, I have a nice flat oval type K&N filter I think I will mount it somewhere around here. But I want it shrouded, or ideally in an airbox. I want to be able to ford the fords.
  5. I sectioned both the body and the duck tail a little, and got this Well half of it anyway, might get time tomorrow to finish it Keeping the aux fuel tank bracket mounting holes and the rack mounting points. I might alter both of those a little, not sure exactly how yet. I saw a good mod to relocate the aux tank to the main tube and that frees up some saddle bag space. Plan is to set this up as a minimalist off road trail/bush hack. Don't need another adventure bike when I already have the perfect build
  6. Dragged this thing with me, mainly because I have just about all the parts and paint to finish it Dragged it in out of the rain and pulled a few more broken parts off it. Bike is lending itself well to scramblerisation as the lights are already rooted, and the rear fender was cracked, extra holes drilled, and rusted right through thr middle section. Easiest thing to do was cut it off
  7. An ice tank can you of course wouldn't add any methanol to it
  8. Mine didn't have much of one left either. The early ones seem to have had a brass badge I don't seem to have any of any decal versions in my reference folder, but i am sure i have seen a half decent one somewhere. Your best bet may be the PYE museum in Waihi, as Mr Akrad was heavily involved with radios as well, they have a few trikes on display
  9. Plants take their carbon from the air. Starch is long carbon chains. So potato fritters are basically air biscuits
  10. This is really good. In-depth rebuild of a 4l60e. Can follow the steps to disassemble and reassemble
  11. https://www.gore-research.com.au/trailer-towing-adaptor-modules.html Tldr Car sends pulses to.check the bulbs are OK. If the trailer is drawing extra load on the wiring the car might get upset and throw a lighting code
  12. The ends will go whatever shape you want with a little heat and force
  13. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005472479563.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=298-731-3000&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=m&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005005472479563&ds_e_product_merchant_id=717427956&ds_e_product_country=NZ&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=21627925371&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmOm3BhC8ARIsAOSbapUu8-uU5JJdfGRW5rGq17j6f7RKjoaFDef4v5AHMfb7g36nl5EJtMAaAqRbEALw_wcB 30 to 80mm corrugated rubber tubes
  14. I have some lcb extractors that I would trade for your cut ones. I was gona cut them up anyway A shame I didn't see yesterday as I was taking some stuff out of storage and could have brought them down
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