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About h4nd

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Oh good, I understand the assignment (eventually)
  2. Ah, run your relay off the NC terminals of the limit sw for the first stage parallel to the motor, so it switches off with the motor at the limit, then you have the NC terminals on the relay will relax closed, to drive the next thing. You'll have those NAND/NOR/1 bit sadder gates going in no time!
  3. Sounds like Nick might be on to it with DPDT? Use one NC to common terminal to open at limit, then the other common to the other NO terminal, which closes to enable your 'next, Go!' signal? Or 2x SPDY limit sw if they don't do DPDT? Of course, if you supply full cad drawings and all your Arduino code, I pinky promise I won't steal them and get zillions made in China Oof. I did a reading fail. How much coil current becomes a problem? Is 10mA for an SS relay too much? Also, I think there are set/reset relays that only consume energy at change?
  4. It's close: https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data Sheets/NXP PDFs/BUK215-50Y.pdf It's just a switch, Input on, output on, unless faults.
  5. These days, 25A rectifier, a few thousand uF capacitor and a cute little AliExpress switch mode Buck regulator: easy.
  6. Watch for the 70s / 80s Suzuki regulators (eg RG 250). They had the 3 phase rectifier, then each cycle when a phase reached regulating volts, they'd just short circuit that winding with a big fat SCR (a solution with cheap electronics parts). Fine if the gen/alternator is designed for it, just makes a bit of heat in the wire/regulator - not sure how you'd check a random gen is suitable for that...
  7. If you like to turn down your monitor brightness at night to help sleep, this system tray applet does that (if your monitors are connected with digital cables) https://github.com/emoacht/Monitorian If Windows messes up your 1823.6 windows and you can't friggin' find anything after patch Tuesday reboots, this widget will automagically put them back https://github.com/kangyu-california/PersistentWindows
  8. I do have a 1/2 built prototype design for a round-robin load-sharer, exactly for running multiple freezers etc off a limited supply. E.g, drop the freezer when you hit the microwave, then restart the same one while the compressor is charged, then after the first one reaches temeperature set-point, start the next one .
  9. Yeah, as your daughter noticed, it's running a bit oil rich; which I could fix, but, maintenance... *Shrugs in Italian* Oh I have plans for this POS motor once it's out! Compression ratio only counts above the exhaust port, amirite?
  10. Sounds good, but check the power limits - draw too much, you may find you discharge / damage the 12V, which will then be tricky to see once the HV to 12V tops off the (now weak for current) 12V battery
  11. Oh - it was starting to run shit because of ... plugs! Who'd a thunk? I should really put the good motor back in.
  12. Yeah, it's super tiny. It was the wrong size 0.66 inch, so about the size of my thumbnail. Then I fitted the WIDE-SCREEN one. 0.96" so a little bigger than my thumbnail. It's playable if you've got OK close up vision (old man). There's a 1.36" (?) on e on AliEx, might work?
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