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About h4nd

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Link? Product name? Chip ID? Pic even? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/learning-center/how-to-remap-your-keyboard
  2. I made it spit out stuff with commas Up ct1, T1, Drv1, ct2, T2, Drv2, ct3, T3, Drv3, ct4, T4, Drv4 1, 0, 255, 1, 0, 255, 1, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 2, 633, 255, 2, 652, 255, 2, 601, 255, 2, 515, 255, 3, 616, 255, 3, 616, 255, 3, 568, 255, 3, 512, 255, 4, 611, 255, 4, 611, 255, 4, 556, 255, 4, 509, 255, 5, 599, 255, 5, 602, 255, 5, 550, 255, 5, 508, 255, 6, 593, 255, 6, 600, 255, 6, 537, 255, 6, 507, 255, So I could save as .CSV, put in a spreadsheet and graph the screwups to figure them out oops, T3 slows down when I reduced drive on Drv4? hmmm: There's yer problem, probably
  3. This is from Doxygen using DOT (needs a fairly involved config file - but there are great samples)
  4. For those singing along at home: Here's good old kdiff3 helping me find a copy-pasta problem
  5. Needed to nudge the frequency by 0.0002GHZ for a test Yep, that was it.
  6. Watch out for those egg stealing bastard Weka at Lake Mahinapua
  7. Adjudicator states making from soft materials totally qualifies: Silver/gold leaf art / physics instruments, aerogel objects and finest british felt bearings flexible robots all eligible.
  8. Here's a good description (in the old 'introducing Chrome" style comic) on why Chrome is turning to shit https://contrachrome.com/ Google make bajillions selling ads. In short, google made new policies for chrome that make the adblockers stop working.
  9. Alphabet/Google/Youtube is doing fuckery to make YouTube videos run bad on Firefox - so you use their Spyware browser (Chrome: it used to be great, now they own the market, they're making it serve them, not you) This extension fixed it for me: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/enhanced-h264ify/
  10. Riiight, so the new firmware in the Ultrahub takes a 10-30s holiday every 10min? - 30min? Am I doomed to re-engineer everything in the house that I touch? https://github.com/hack-technicolor/hack-technicolor/issues/68 (I may prob just put the new router from my fibre install for a quick trial - I mean, never mind that it'll take me 1/2 a day to reconnect all my shitty china IoT devices...)
  11. The software the hardware for the software:
  12. You could keep the water @90C for 'radiators'
  13. Hang on, we just went thru this with Pog Pumped mini hydro? Cobble up a huge cheap brass and iron battery out of scrap? Crack H2 and store in a rubbish-bag/gasometer. I hear the (other) nerds over in EV/Climate reckin old Leaf batteries are good for houses (Don't need 60kW). Charge your neighbours EVs and make CA$H MONIES?
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