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My name is Russell

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My name is Russell last won the day on May 11 2022

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About My name is Russell

  • Birthday 10/31/1984

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  1. Not myself, but a company like www.sendcutsend.com would be amaze if it existed in NZ . . . unless something similar already does?
  2. Nice LR! Dreams! Yup fair call on the un even ground and bulky! Plan is to throw a double bed in it for the two kids. Might still work out. Good point re sandflys! Was interesting trying to getting the LR level with its self leveling airbags yesterday (Corner Creek)
  3. Going to give the extension room a go this weekend
  4. Looks mint! We have one in Brooklyn and its our red rocks taxi also. @brocky41 some nice parts on the puj you have for sale!
  5. Hi, My name is Russell and I approve. Regards Russell
  6. That was 1 hour old when I shared it. The Facebook pages do regular updates for rainbow and molesworth.
  7. Rainbow Station 1 h · The Sedgemere Bridge (south of Rainbow Station) has been closed by Transpower due to damage to the abutment during the July storm. Transpower are in the process of obtaining the required consents / approvals to source and place rock protection around the abutment. Transpower is aiming to undertake this work in March / April. Please note that access to Rainbow Station from St Arnaud (the northern entrance) is still available on request for tramping, fishing, hunting on DOC land. Rainbow Station For access to Rainbow Station for tramping, hunting and fishing please contact Duncan at duncan@nelsonhoney.com
  8. Could you buy and store your own box trailer? Just a wild idea.
  9. Made everything from scratch this is the ply I use, used it for many projects since https://www.trademe.co.nz/3216852194
  10. This is great news, must be such a good feeling! Have enjoyed following this project, thanks for sharing your journey.
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