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TimShadboltfan27 last won the day on November 7 2016

TimShadboltfan27 had the most liked content!

About TimShadboltfan27

  • Birthday 07/13/1995

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  • Local Area
    Hawkes Bay

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  1. Based on our back of the envelop calcs the wambulance produced the following estimated 10L/100km, including spirited mountain pass tootling on a mixture of paved and unsealed surfaces. 3MWH of beacon emittance 400 decibel hours of sirens and looney tunes banana peel spec gag reels 1.3 giggles per second during functioning of said sirens estimated 1200 lives saved due to presence of first responders in hanmer over weekend period. the evidence speaks for itself
  2. Feeling like the front left suspension components of a fiat multipla today. amazing weekend. So many good times and endless yarns with amazing people. Massive thanks to Karl and all the organising team. Will post some pics when I have more than 3 brain cells
  3. Shit that’s a lot of duckhams from there to hanmer
  4. I seem to have an uncontrollable fizz excreting from my downstairs in anticipation for this event is this normal or should I consult a health professional
  5. it pains me to say it, I’m super gutted but I…. am probably going to drive something Mitsubishi to this event
  6. wow, massive chub forming for this. in the words of sumpson, registered like a sex offender. hey @DoBro Jesus me and markku would be very keen on enquiring if any of the wounders fleet would be available to make this a more interesting trip. you can ask Als mum for a reference on how i treat other dudes rides
  7. Yea keen to put together a rag tag crew of poorly organised individuals to drive one of the wounders blue smoke machines across the Amuri Plains in search of PGs and Irvine’s pies
  8. Keen. Let me know if you need a hand with admin stz @Truenotch is no doubt also keen
  9. Great hardbody, great magnet, even greater Pro-Lift jack. That is all Edit: enjoy your new page, /Ling out
  10. Yea man, not identical but a similar setup. We are dealing with hatch which has slightly different covers and few more things to dismantle to get to it. A hoist would be ideal
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