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  1. That last pic is exactly where my workmates one was gone. Seems to be real common. Like the sil isn't strong enough to lift off the all seem to be crumpled up too. I added extra suport to make the jacking point usable on his
  2. Have you done any front jacking points on the inner sil. Just did my workmates one a few months ago. Had to cut a piece of the floor out to get at the inner sil without taking the outer off
  3. Don't use lead. Use either newtech or upol d
  4. That's pretty good. My fj1200 yamaha did 10l/100k was worse when thrashing it. But it was 260kg and 130hp
  5. Put a new decal on the passenger door And gave it a real quick Wizz over with a buff . while driving it to work the left rear caliper stuck on so had to strip that down and clean it up . Came right with a clean up and some rubber grease on the sliding parts
  6. Put the trim back on and you'd never know
  7. Was getting a bit rotten in the front left gaurd. Sil is ok. Just surface rust so got a coat of rust kill
  8. I've got one like that but it's a crusher cone and heavvy af . Needed the tractor to place it in the ground. Once the metal is hot it's legit
  9. @d.p.n.s 12v to the solenoid at back of fuel pump. use a 12v click clack fuel pump to feed diesel to the pump. Saves having to bleed as much. crack every other fuel line at the Injector. When it starts on 3 cylinders and leaks diesel from the 3 that are loose do them up tight and it should run on 6. Might pay to screw some wood to the motor mounts or it'll fall over lol
  10. JustHarry


    Remember with Saturn finish you can't buff or hardly even wash anything cos it'll make its gloss
  11. Does the chassis have numbers at all? Or even easily readable? /grind the numbers off and cover in dirt
  12. Pretty common for a trans that's been sitting for yes amount of years that once you start using it the material comes off the clutches and clogs the pickup
  13. Also how long has the trans been sitting? Could be worth stripping down and throwing a set of clutches and steels in it
  14. Yeah like raizer said. It's for other small vac things. Heater controls etc. Since the diesel makes no vaccume itself the alternator vaccume pump is where that comes from. Often the idle up for air conditioning is a vaccume solenoid etc
  15. @d.p.n.s 1. Yeah that is the fuel feed Into the pump. 2 that's the return to the tank. 3 fuck knows. Probably something from the original car the motors from. 4 . That's the fuel cut solenoid. Supply 12v to run and remove power to the solenoid to shut the motor off 5 yeah fuel screw. In is more fuel and out is less fuel. Little adjustments at a time . 7. Yeah oil feed for vac pump 8 one is the oil drain to the sump for the vac pump. Treat it like a turbo drain. 9 the other one is the vaccume. It goes to the brake booster or whatever else needs vaccume looks like the one with the hose still on it is the vaccume 10 is your heater hose feed. The heater return is in the back of the block on the driver's side from memory 11. Hard to see what the pic is. 12 no idea. Most of that shit on the pumps is to do with the car it was in original . Could be a fast idle or something like that for cold or ac or anything There is a idle speed stop that you'll need to lower when you add more fuel too
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