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Steelies last won the day on March 15 2018

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About Steelies

  • Birthday 20/10/1983

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  1. Cool stuff roman. Hah 3cyl life, ish. Re exhaust collector I did just as you're planning, made from bends to match parallel primary tubes etc. welded those to primaries that were split off the head flange/eachother, reassembled and did inside the collector, and went from there. Also, I have unwanted new oil filter relocation parts if they're of any use in your future?
  2. Maybe earls body shop? Grinter and I have had him make repair panels for us, good stuff
  3. I get smaller bits of sheet stuff from kiaora sheet metals in Newtown yo.
  4. Nice evening with yall cheers! FYI get to the campground gate before 8, because it might already closed haha. Two of us trapped in, one camper trapped out. I was about to look for alternatives, being all-terrain and all, when the gate started flashing lights and opened for just long enough to get 2 cars through. Camper guy and kids who'd started walking in ran back and was too late, car trapped out still lol. Perhaps being parked at the exit for 15mins sets the gate off or some shizz. Phew!
  5. Sharn pic is so good, true old boys can't sharn without a support of some type, maybe in case of oxygen deprivation. I can only hope the Oliver was on high idle and you were shouting over it the whole time.
  6. 1995 Suzuki super carry van. Gluey windscreen seal, or poppy outy windscreen seal? Planning work on one but unsure on seal type. I presume it's oldschool style non glue but would rather not encounter surprise if I can help it. Go!
  7. Chur. Classic, spent all afternoon across the road from parrotdog, just got home to Brooklyn and see this.
  8. chur chur. ok @Nominal I'll borrow @kicker's as I have things to drop to him anyhow. cheers. Kicker, I can thurs daytime or any evening, when suits you best?
  9. That'd be great if possible, cheers Terry. I can come and collect at/after lunch tomorrow, or any time Thursday
  10. Hey gang! I want to measure compression in my suzuki alto 800. sparkplug wells are deep enough I can't block the plug hole with my finger as a gauge of access issues, but can make an adapter/extension if required.. Can I please borrow someone's compression tester? cheers, Manu
  11. Yep keen to catch up beaveman.
  12. balls, I need to do all the stuff i didnt last weekend as we were weddingoneering, soz.
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