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KKtrips last won the day on December 27 2022

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About KKtrips

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  1. It did get here pretty quick but it was a LOT of fucking around and even more $$$$ Fingers crossed the legal side is easier. Will worry about that in a week or two once I have some more shit sorted.
  2. Now I just need to get insurance, title and registration.
  3. Custom suspension arms also require TAC approval.
  4. You can also combine the accounts. (or I can)
  5. Looks like the hose needs to be rotated 1/4 of a turn anticlockwise (on the square), are the hoses routed correctly? Are they the correct hoses for the vehicle? You don't want to be taking any meat off the calliper, it could be tricky to prove that it has not affected the stength of the calliper, even though a finger in the air test says it will be fine, I wouldn't.
  6. See Note 4 (or 5, I can't remember which - I looked at it earlier today), I have a stick on plate on the front of my Prius and I will be using that as an out if I get poked by my WoF inspector.
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