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Seedy Al

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Seedy Al last won the day on April 3 2017

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About Seedy Al

  • Birthday 06/02/1984

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  1. Oh hey guys it's raining. I'm going to take my van so we can all sit in that as somewhere to hang instead of the rain. Hope to see you there. Seedy
  2. Ok. Niki and I are also out now for different reasons. So lets just can it for this month and bring on some day light savings goodness next month. Have also had multiple others say they can't make it this evening. So. Yeah. Epic fail lol. Keep it sleazy my friends.
  3. Bought this thing a few years ago for cheap because the trans had some issues. Replacement trans and boom. Has been a pretty good daily really.
  4. Smashing out random updates. Fixed the misses car / brake fault. Caliper was leaking hard after doing a full front and rear brake pad and disc job a few months ago. Mazda rear calipers are super dumb with the way the handbrake works through them. They leak often. Thankfully often enough that we keep replacements in stock. Shazm and the leak is gone. Good job Mazda SP20
  5. Maybe @EURON8 made one a while ago? I have soda blasted before with a piece of tube and an air pistol. Worked well.
  6. Isn't the key 59 degrees? So if you weld two two nuts together that is usually close enough to make it work for a while. I don't even use a gauge although I should. However pretty much every drill I go to use at work is super fucked unless I have already sharpened it and stashed it away lol. Lube is great by the way while drilling. ..... Smerk.
  7. Lol. Hadn't realized I had signed into lifecoaches.co.ng But that aside had a swing and miss on an option last night. So the saga continues. #feelingblessed
  8. Will have a look at a few of the manuals I have, but Sometimes I have found that the port where the Overdrive solenoid goes is rather small, and can get blocked. I dont think I ever figured out what the Pink wire does with these lol. I think something to do with Torque converter lock up but I can confirm.
  9. lol its all good. I dont think the Diesel option for this truck was popular back in the day. A few 2lt's around which I am highly contemplating because I loved my old 2lt Super custom. I'm mostly gutted as there was a 2lt powered surf for sale in Wellington with a fucked body for a price I considered reasonable, and assumed it would sell for more. but it did not. Ah well. But yeah I agree with @Goat to an extent. I'm not overly intrested in an over board swap. IE injection or petrol lol.
  10. Show me. Because so far my searching hasn't netted much lol.
  11. Well now, After a bunch of fluffing around with people trying to actually Buy a new puller as works ones were missing a bunch of bits etc. I finally got the front crank pulley off Much Excitement! Then the head removal was a piece of cake from there. However, after inspecting the head for any sort of damage and concluding the head looks lash as shit, I moved on to the block WOH woouup. Shits fucked. The step on the bores is fucking massive, and the bores look like they have been polished by a professional No wonder this thing had some blow by. So, my dreams of a simple Re-ring and valve stem seal job are down the drain, along with my hopes and dreams of getting most of my cars sorted this year to buy a house. Lets just say I'm a little bit dark today... Anyway, next step is to figure out what I'm going to do about this thing and the rest of my life lol. So, it will get strung back together enough so it can be pushed, and will start thinking of options. These probably range from, Doing a full re-build on this motor, which seems like a total waste of money or time, Finding some form of replacement motor, Fitting the 1kz setup I have kicking around, Fitting the 1UZ setup I have been saving for my Cressida Or Even fitting the 3rz Setup that @Bistro has sitting at my lock up. Anyway, stayed tuned for the Next Installment! Where I find out if Niki's Slash @Mourning Cupcake s Daily Mazda needs a new LH rear caliper ora rebuild as I noticed its leaking brake fluid On Friday! FML lol
  12. @sheepers my ms110 is running a cressida brake master. No one cared.
  13. This has been on a Friday for the last two years. ....
  14. And That besides, I have been campaigning on my Hilux pulling apart the motor. Really want to get the head off so I can see what the shit I'm dealing with. Have been so obsessed with trying to get the crank pulley bolt off, that I completely didnt even consider that the Pulley wont come off. Sigh, will try dig out a puller at work tomorrow and then try again, worst case I will be making one which is mega dumb. In the good news, I am super stoked it has adjustable tappets lol, as that means its one less thing I need to try and do slash pay someone to sort. lovely.
  15. continuing on from the scooter talk. In the pictures below you can make out the Honda Pax on the back of the hilux, I have been rolling this for a few weekend rides, seems pretty reliable with the Dio motor in it. Cant wait for more sun hours and will ride this to work which isnt to far away. Does good Job And the others are of My nifty I just received on Monday, after being stored in Auckland for some time. It matches everything I own, ratty and rad. Cant wait to eventually get into it. Currently waiting for the key to turn up so I can actually start the thing, then rego and it can be a fun little smoko runner or something,
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