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And here's where I'll list the problems I'm currently trying to solve.

1) Depth sounder and speed log don't work.  Tempted to bin them both and install a fishfinder chartplotter combo.

2) The previous owner has been a little liberal with his painting so I need to figure out the best way to remove epoxy paint from stainless steel hardware.

3) The trailer leaf spring rocker can rotate too far as the mounting bracket used isn't right for it. This causes the rear leaf spring to fall out of the slipper at high amounts of articulation like when going into my driveway 


4) The tyres are perished to hell and the rims ain't looking very roadworthy.  So I'm tossing up whether to swap hubs and convert to 4x100 which I have lots of spare wheels for (and all my other trailers use) or do I just buy new tires and rims to suit the 5x4-1/2 pcd.


5) The outboard gear case is leaking oil through the propshaft seal.  Should be an easy fix... But the tilt mechanism is seized solid and looks like it's going to be a mission to free it up. 

6) The on board electrics are shit, need some deep cycle batteries and a small solar charging setup.  Not sure about how to properly vent the batteries when they will be under the seats in the cabin.

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Looks awesome, a good mate had a 22ft keeler back in the day and shit we had some fun in it.

Random question but I've got the flash cards for the nz boat master course, lights, nav markers etc  if you want them.


Shit yeh. A lot of childhood memories on yachts. We had a Tasman 20 when I was a kid and then upsized to a Gazelle 26 which the old man still has.


Love this. We did a 6 day intro to sailing/competent crew course in BoI last summer and it was fantastic. 3 days of tuition followed by 3 days of just tooling around by ourselves. It was in a little 70's Davidson 20' centreboarder and it was so much fun pulling up the board and anchoring knee-deep in the bays. It's sparked a desire to do more, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for inspo.

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  • 1 month later...

Started chipping away at some repairs.

Got rid of the scabby hazey hatches covered in rock hard masking tape.


Replaced with;


Plenty of time spent with some wd40 scraping petrified making tape off various stainless deck fittings.


Then got the missus down below to start painting the sides of the berths, put an epoxy coating on the bilge to stop stuff soaking in;


Started varnishing some of the wood trim too


Next task is to sort out some wiring and hook up my new sounder, chartplotter and solar panel.

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Had some outboard issues. With my bracket at full height, the prop still touched the water when under sail.  Thats unnecessary drag!  So I could've moved the bracket up a few inches and figured out how to deal with the holes in the transom... Or just swap it out for a short shaft version of the same motor and sell my one on.

The new motor hasn't had much love. Time for a new impeller


A new thermostat and plugs


Don't think this motor had ever been apart, I did my very best but still managed to snap one bolt and spend the next hour sorting that out.


Finally got all the salt scraped out and rinsed clean. 


I plan on taking the power head out at some point and touching up the paint.

In the meantime it got a good long run in a wheelie bin full of salt-away and now the cooling water is flowing much better.

Starts first pull too with the new plugs.

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Hey what does your rear spring slipper look like?

I don't suppose the trailer might have once had a double eye rocker type? That might explain the long rocker bracket. 



Yeah that's exactly what it used to have.

Not sure of the benefits of either style?

Do I shorten the bracket or go back to double eye springs


Spent a day out on the water yesterday.  Still had absolutely fuck all variable wind so failed at sailing.

New motor runs well but discovered at low power settings, the stern of the boat doesn't squat into the water as much... so it's pretty easy for a wave or two to get the propeller shallow enough to suck down some air.  Annoying.

The trailer springs did their flippy articulation trick which caused all the weight to come off the front axle and lock the wheels under braking. Annoying.

It's going to be hard to mount my fish finder transducer in a good spot.  More experimentation required before I'm 100% sure where it needs to go, thinking it will go under the transom just ahead of the rudder but want to make sure the rudder won't interfere with the image. 

The lack of self tailing winches is a massive pain in the arse for 2 handed sailing.  Keeping my eye on the tard for some second hand ones.

The autopilot doesn't work.  Powers on but wont pick up a compass heading.


Trying to solve my trailer suspension issues.  After much head scratching, I think I've worked out the problem.  The trailer chassis was previously fitted for 50mm eye to eye springs with a standard 1390mm span and an equalizer rocker.


It seems the standard spacing for eye to slipper tandem setups is closer to 1470mm.  Because that's been crammed into the narrower space between the crossmembers (circled orange) the spring slippers don't sit in the right spot.

So even if I moved the rocker pivot closer to the chassis, it would hit the crossmember located there... Which I don't really want to notch as it would significantly weaken it.  It would also exacerbate the issue with the spring slippers contact points.

So the fix is going to be swapping back to double eye springs.

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