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  1. I'll have a look in the morning anyways.
  2. I can see if there's some 100x10 flat bar at work and post you a bit for ya seat spacers?
  3. Certinaly looks in kitset form! Still nothing for a man of your capabilities. Looks like there's some drag car ish parked next to it to? They are a awesome car!
  4. Looks awesome! Well done. What know do a skid and park in the shed! Pull it to bits haha.
  5. Awesome work! Nothing like a deadline to get shit done!
  6. @Unclejake did you get this working in the end?
  7. There's some awesome work going on here! Especially as it looks like you are working in a single garage with a carpet floor?? @nels
  8. Awesome looking wagon. I'll 2nd that RIPO oil we used it for a job at work and it's held out the rust bloody well!
  9. Your work rate on projects is epic. How many hours you do a week ya reckon? I love the I'll just make it work attitude!
  10. Be brand new soon!
  11. Will need to have a looky at this!
  12. This farker took some working out. Compound angles and shit.
  13. I've checked a fair few of the factory bend factors on fusion 360 against the recommended specs for OSCS and they were all pretty good. I've never had a scale problem when exporting the flat pattern dxf on fusion yet. How I've had some dramas with a normal dxf for some reason, be a setting somewhere.
  14. Awesome. No it doesn't but they are very easy to add. The folders normally just like to know were the important sizes are ie flange outside to flange outside.
  15. Great work! Just a couple of things I learnt the hard way. But you may have already done. Always send a good dimensions on a drawing of critical folded sizes, I just do this in fusion - use the finished part to make the drawing and I put some 3d shaded models in that drawing to help show fold directions. I'm picking you have made that as a flat pattern and exported as a dxf?
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