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Wof with no rear window?


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I would say its a loophole that isn't covered in the WOF manual - just like there used to be nothing preventing you from taking a car in with no seatback and it could not be failed - cos it only was failable if the seatback is insecure..

My guess they will NOT be keen on passing you with something like that so chances are they will

A -refuse to check it for a WOF

B -check it for a WOF but be real hard on the stuff they can fail

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Technically it would come under a loop hole as KK says, if it's glass or a non suitable replacement, perspex, plastic etc, then it has to meet a proper safety standard. But you could in theory weld in a permanent piece of steel, (would have to be permanent) and this would then not be counted as glazing. I've had to pass a shitty ass Mazda 323 that had this done to the quarter window on a hatch back.

My Boss is a LVVTA certifier and WOF inpsector and I spent a good hour searching the VIRM to disprove him and fail it but had to agree with him in the end. It does then come under general safety items and has to be free of sharp edges etc.

But in reality, its ugly and I very much did not want to pass it at all. And think you should avoid it.

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^ do you guys not flat together anymore or was this just easier than calling over to the other side of the lounge :lol:

but yeah im sure if you do a good job of it and use thicker stuff you could use perspex, but its not like its a really rare car or anything so hit up some wreckers

different person, some avatar haha

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  • 11 years later...

You can get away with that sort of thing on a commercial vehicle but I don't believe you can with a passenger car. I'm sure some of the wof mechanics on here will be along to confirm or deny that in due course.

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51 minutes ago, ianfrm_nz said:

I kinda have the same question, I put my hand through the rear (plastic)window of my convertible (dont ask)...if I have wing mirrors kin I remove the window n permanently cover the hole?

The rear window on my TVR was very cloudy, as can't see through it, cloudy. I just took it for a WOF with the top down and they never put it up to check.

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