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Everything posted by CUL8R

  1. Yea, the 2000/2500 motors are the same motors as used in the Standard Vanguard , which if you go back and check what that motor is from .... oh wait yes a Massey Ferguson!
  2. When you manage to sell both of them, that should make a rather nice Magnum indeed.. Hmm might have to start looking on ebay for wheels, how much did it cost you to ship them to NZ ? Cheers,Chris
  3. You = my new hero Lub Vaxuhall viva's,magnums & firenzas What are the rims off, look damned good (the wire type ones) Cheers,Chris
  4. Thats just up the street from me, so you cant be too far away from Prozac & yours truely, considering Prozac is 2min drive from me...
  5. @kiwixr3i, the park its infront of , on the bend is "Avon Park" , theres the avon river directly across the road, and just around the bend from it theres a pedestrian bridge..
  6. @ kiwixr3i , I know of two possibly 3 escort vans, on avonside drive, go past on my way to work each day, parked up the driveway, looks like MKI & MKII. Just on a bend with a park behind it (before you get to Porritt Park) - May be useful for parts... Cheers,Chris
  7. Reckon in about 3 months should do the trick, hell KY might even come up (namely to see some 240k coupes I was telling about ages and ages ago)
  8. Myself & Prozac are in chch, Im pretty busy with other shite atm, but in a couple of months I shall be out and about a bit more, Prozac's Wagon is a tad more long term though...
  9. Motors are based from the Massey Fergusons.... Rust - Bootlid on brothers one -by the chrome strip, pretty solid cars , easy to get parts..
  10. Still got that gemini? Prozac probably keen to buy the front guards off you, I'd be keen on the bumpers.. Good to see its alive & kicking, what size tires do you have on that? Cheers,Chris
  11. Mate thats awesome, apart from the paint, looks wicked. If you do repaint, better be the same colour... None of this day glo coloured crap Cheers,Chris
  12. Fuck that chevette is sexual, fully need to be wearing tweed jacket & pipe when driving it Seriously though, escort doesnt look bad, shall be mean once Baja suspension is fixed Oh and Bits arrived, Sunvisors are the same colour! Yay , bolted them up also mirror just took wirewheel to and degreaser - now 1/2 ass polished. Cheers,Chris
  13. Oh and do you still have the Chevette Diff, if you do , take the brake lines off that, just change joint to the chevette one and you're away laughing..
  14. Took me awhile, but found it... Doors came up super nice! Diff looking good, hey you wouldnt be able to do me a hooge favour and measure those shocks for me would you? That Green Gemini lives on in more that one car, infact I think it donated something to at least 5 Gm/t body cars.... "measure the shocks from the eyelet centre at the bottom of the shock to the bottom of the threaded pin at the top. For example, where the bottom washer for the bushing would sit. " Cheers,Chris
  15. Put a fuckin Truck Deasil into it, magin that - small truck engine in a crown, dirty diesil smoke all over cunts faces...
  16. Also, use white spirits to clean the residuey shit thats left, works a charm!
  17. ^ Keen for Roadtrip / passing tools to you Oh and is that cardboard or have you chopped up some whiteware for that bracketry? Cheers,Chris
  18. ^ Try smaller Bmw's - plus their steelies are lightweight
  19. ^ Yes Also hole in Floor = for dropping empties out onto road
  20. http://retrorides.proboards86.com/index ... 618&page=1 Chevette With Rover V8 & Bike Carbs, WIP..
  21. Mint stuff man, should be pretty wicked when done, got a mint grill sitting up in the garage. Outta interist what do you do for a job, always have teh orsum cars + projects going on...
  22. Chequer flag the roof matt black & white, slamtastic + white centers for rims
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1Vs9TN2vdU Lols just to make to feel better about caning it around Seriously though, seen one of these (repainted green) in Chch, with a Rotary in it, couple of fat guys in the front, it did quite well at the drags a few years ago - someone on here is bound to know about it. Tires & rims are mint man. If you dont mind, how much a tire?
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