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Everything posted by Nominal

  1. Matt almost looks like he’s having a good time!
  2. Pity the MECCNZ were so rude, we were members for a few years, until we moved up this way and found them an OK bunch mostly. Maybe it was the old 'Morris 8' guard there on the day.
  3. Well, now you can finish that other thing you have....
  4. Your wagon?
  5. It's been done
  6. 90's splash graphics?
  7. Caught the Waikato disease.
  8. Well, anyway, not making wagnats this year, going to be camping up the coro instead. probably not as relaxing though.
  9. Mobile office @ThePog?
  10. If it works OK for someone else it should be fine, especially if you don't let the fuel level get too low.
  11. Well I think my troll was the closest guess actually.
  12. Datsun 4wd you say?
  13. Now you have a K11 and a Z11 it's time to look at completing the alphabet A11
  14. Good work on the thrash to get there!
  15. Why not get the whole parts tractor?
  16. Just as soon as you can get hold of a tach welder
  17. Regarding the speedo, if it's a mechanical one you can get it recalibrated by Auto Instrument Services in New Plymouth, I had the Morris one done just before we sold it. Needed to take the head out, and count the number of cable turns when pushing/driving the car a measured 50 meters. Price wasn't bad, service was good.
  18. If you ask me it's been out of order for a while. Sometimes it is worth it though.
  19. There used to be one stashed with the owners of Horopito Motors, but i think they were keeping it.
  20. Nominal


    OK, so sandblasting would probably work. I've tried picking at the rust with a scriber or something else sharp and hard. Or get the grinder out and cut/replace that piece. It looks the pitting is quite deep and might be weakening the rail. Another hack would be to zap up the pits with a mig then grind flat.
  21. Nominal


    Wire brush on a grinder might get in there.
  22. Station wagon rentals are available for next time
  23. Will Mr Blurry make it @KKtrips
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