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Everything posted by flyingbrick

  1. Man that speeduino thing is neat. I didn't understand the idea until I saw the prices- pretty bloody good value! I guess it's filling the position MS used to have
  2. I wonder if you could have one half grooved and run an o-ring between the halfs.
  3. Cleaned up all the sharp edges and went back to bare steel on the important glued faces then painted everything in epoxy. Finally glued into place. There's also rivets top and bottom where they can't be seen. The washers were glued onto the new panel so that the two edges were easy to align.. I'll knock them off when the glues dried and all the rivets are in.
  4. I know I have seen this setup on TV before- there was a race (I'm sure it was to do with Bathurst) and the undercar cam showed it in operation- I think they said it was as far as they could take that axle setup to stay within class rules. Driving me nuts because I can't find more on it.
  5. All loctite iv found has softened with heat. Just smash it on there and if ya struggle later then wack a torch or heatgun on it.
  6. No doubt possible but I'd make a bolt on adaptor if I was you. Edited.
  7. Why not check out the sr20 forums. They use single and quad throttles on the same basic motor and I bet you can find heaps of threads about it. As David has said- the time taken to empty the plenum is SFA...but even if it WAS a significant difference, who cares. Ditto with the engine sound thing. Once the motors running you won't care two shits what it comparatively sounds like. Basically, don't end up like ME stressing over numbers on a piece of paper. It's a downward spiral into huge unfinished project territory and I owuldnt wish it upon anyone
  8. It's all gone for me too mate and gone from the Hamb too Hosting is on http://imagehosting.rodsnsods.co.uk
  9. Did they remove the spear from the shock somehow?
  10. I know Hella make a nice compact vacuum pump and its usually marketed at the hotrod guys. It's also factory on some Volvo models so I'd hit up someone wrecking one on TM. Edit. Be aware they had multiple pumps with some for cruise control (which ain't suitable) There is also a switch unit that the Volvo uses to pulse the pump on and off as required. Apparently it is NOT capable of running at 100% duty cycle so you need an auto switch of some kind.
  11. Just walk into a few machine shops and get a few quotes. It's a very simple process that any engineering shop with a lathe and mill can do.
  12. I'd say your pivot tubes are far too thin walled
  13. Shit ur good! After ya used the tool to fold that edge over how did you shrink out the wrinkles? Filling in those big flat side holes is easy
  14. Take the all the belts off one by one and check for the noise
  15. Or just have a system that isn't linked?
  16. Be better with them no linked at all. Id do this BUT there's probably easier ways. Pump to solenoid valve to 6 port manifold 4 ports to 4 solenoid valves and one to each corner The last port to a solenoid valve and back to the tank. That would let you raise, lower or equalise corners however you please.
  17. Never heard of any of my mates Ferraris blowing their gearboxes. This could be due to other reasons though.
  18. David is so correct there. Also. Why modify 4age for more power when there's more modern and powerful motors already available...it's not a cost thing because cams/all the other bits are expensive
  19. Nah that's not the worst idea in the world. Would have to anal-ise it in solid works first tho
  20. I'd be pissed off about that wof to be honest. Good luck with the business tho! Must be a good feeling.
  21. Hahaha good point.. Although I think you just offended most of Oldschool haha
  22. Seen this yesterday.. Extremely impressive in person! Couldn't get my eyes off it.
  23. Hey man. Have a look on Ali for 4age turbo manifolds. Cheap and these days everyone seems to think they are not too bad.
  24. Do foam cutting over fabric then make a bean bag
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