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ajg193 last won the day on November 12 2019

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About ajg193

  • Birthday 28/04/1994

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  1. Apparently top fuel engine cranks twist so much that they can have up to 15 degrees different timing between front and rear cylinders
  2. @kpr and @Roman would be the guys with brains to pick.
  3. You're going about it all wrong nick, you need to just put some big resistive heaters on your fence and aim the heat from the sun away from your property.
  4. My heat pump guy reckons to not turn it on within 5 minutes of turning it off and that sudden power cuts while it is compressing is bad for the compressor
  5. I don't think that is even worth giving away for free, looks like absolute trash. The only good thing about it is the Juki nozzles Closed loop motors are not going to give any placement accuracy bonus if you don't have closed loop rails, especially if you are running belts
  6. 4K would have dropped straight in, a 7/8 race cam and you'd be laughing / I'm pretty sure this thing of yours was only like a second slower on the quarter mile at drag day than my brother's Capri, but his thing is more traction limited
  7. Are they called iceberg because you can only see 10% of the problems at first glance?
  8. I reckon those white plates suit it, especially with how they still have the old white plate font. Would be a shame to get modern black plates on it (I'm assuming your posts in the plates thread referred to this car)
  9. Do you know what the story is behind the plates on it? Carjam doesn't show any earlier plates, but it seems strange someone would put new ones on just as it got taken off the road
  10. The things I would be concerned about with your string method is that it probably won't pick up if the car is skewed (back axle offset to one side or at an angle), it would also struggle if you just take book values for track widths instead of actually measuring the tracks. I wonder if putting some coloured chalk dust on the tyres and then rolling them forward would leave a usable track on the ground for measuring the car?
  11. I'm sure you are already aware, but best practice is to start with both rods equal length and keep them equal. ie for more toe in wind both out
  12. Could be worth draining a bit out the bottom of the tank before starting the pump, could have a layer of water from sitting for years
  13. Are the Chatham islands somewhere deep in Africa? Hard to believe something so modern can get so shagged /ling
  14. Not gonna be able to get any work done if you don't get it vinyl wrapped to protect the paint
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