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Everything posted by flyingbrick

  1. Also keen on pannel beaters stuff. Please pm me
  2. Very cool edit. had a look at the blog. your craftsmanship never fails to impress. How do these things ride off road with no springs?
  3. I have wilwood. they are very nice but no idea on cost (came with master cylinders) I think you should look on trademe as there are always lots on there from people who buy wilwood stuff but don't need all the tanks.
  4. disregard that then! iv always used it for all my work related cleaning.. Because it works and because I was not paying for it
  5. The main thing with ali is to just clean the the crap out of it. brakeleen and a rag until it's not oily then scrub it with a wire brush. When welding my cast sump is get contaminants coming to the surface. I just fed in heaps of filler then ground the weld back flush and did the weld again. The first weld was always full of black shit and porosity. The second weld was always beautiful like welding clean plate. probably won't find that in a text book but it worked for me and others said the weld would be impossible. Also I find the small electrodes way nicer to use than the fast ones unless doing heavy stuff. I'm not sure on the science behind it. If learning I'm not sure if a foot pedal is the best thing to start with. It might be fine or you might find that is just one too many things to think about. The hardest thing I had to learn was self control. If you blow a hole just stop, let it cool off a little then try to continue. In bursts till its closed. edit lol blow a hole
  6. shit it looks great compared to when purchased. Any reason you sticking with 4age rather than 3s? I guess it's a bit more traditional
  7. Can't believe we picked that up so long ago! -nathan
  8. depends entirely on what you want from the engine.
  9. Don't do it Clint! kittens die every time the scorpion is started.
  10. I understand them wanting to take our shit for themselves but I just don't understand the destruction they do during it all for no reason.
  11. How had I missed these updates. That looks great man. couldn't have picked a better color.
  12. Oh Nah didn't mean it like that. Just fwd with t wing was all I can think of
  13. Thank fuck for that. Thanks very much.
  14. so theoretically if I failed on rust. . How long does that rust fail stay in national system. Can you just go elsewhere after your repair?
  15. Pretty sure at the speeds you are going while booting it round corners aero will have little effect.
  16. Holy crap I can't believe that was not a bad paedo joke.
  17. I'm betting it would pretzel and fuck door and windows
  18. If there is enough material why not? New nardi boss kit could be $$$$
  19. If none of the holes line up just center wheels and sit steering when on boss kit straight. clamp in place if you can. Then mark, Centre punch, re drill and tap to suit. I'm sure an engineering firm or someone here would do it for you for not much mula just realized who you are. If ur down my way call in and I will do it. Should have an m6 tap here
  20. Don't know if it's your thing but black photographs like shit usually so I vote pink block with green covers
  21. Don't worry about fuel consumption. it's over emphasized. Basically the few extra dollars per 100 km is cheap for the extra awesome. You should buy a v8 coon and swap the running gear over.
  22. Why the fuck are you already thinking about who you will sell it to. You will lose money on nearly any swap regardless.
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