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Everything posted by KKtrips

  1. Its a rotational knocking noise like a poked bearing - but he replaced those - I am going on a rodtest tonight with him to try and find it.. tethered by ropes = sweet - but I reckon an A-frame = much better That way one person driving can tow multiple drunk cunts in multiple wagoons!! JEAH JB is keen to roll - will be seeing him tonight at pinkys and keeping his keeness up..
  2. I like em - whether I can justify spending the moolah is another thing - but it is a fact that the only wheel I own for this car is the spare tyre - all the rest I threw out or borrowed.. I do need some wheels for it..
  3. Such opposite opinions coming out.. strange.
  4. Tis EXACTLY what I said to Pies when he took the photos
  5. Borrowed some wheel for ideas - I think this looks tufmencone Yeah/Nah/Get Fucked??
  6. Fuck - fully sick idea brew!!
  7. Yeah another angle of both cars off the road - I am feeling sad and depressed
  8. Went for a WOF - failed on ball joints - stripped apart suspension front and rear for overhaul.. all the bits - need balljoints - can get H330 joints but H230 are a mission - anyone got some H330 Stub axles they want to sell me??
  9. just another photo of both of my dead cars - argh depression - I have 2 sweet cars and both are off the road!!! damn it..
  10. just like kettler - I'm also e-famous... http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxcherry/1088761260/in/set-596046/
  11. It doesnt matter if you have a 50 amp or 100 amp alternator really - the alternator will only pump out as many amps as it needs to keep the battery topped up - the wiring from the alt to the battery in theory should be fairly grunty but if you are worried - upgrade the wire and if externally regulated it may need a gruntier regulator
  12. me = want bad like REEEEEEAAAAAL BAD!!! magine that shit in the morrie - would own my face, shorts, soul, credit cards, pies ass - ie everything I have ever wanted in my life I would give to have this installed in me car.......
  13. WTF - whats wrong with them.... and Pies - I never said that they were splitting up..
  14. how much you want for one/how fucked is it? Dan - what rental car company you work for?
  15. Fuck yeah - give me date you next going then - Ill pay ya $50 to bring gearbox and bench back from Hamzzzzzz..
  16. We need some keen dude to do a regular Wgtn to Auck mission picking up and dropping off parts en route and being paid for it.. Does anyone need the money/have a van/keen to do 2 days driving every so often (monthly??) Just an idea..
  17. I'm quite keen for someone to pick up a bench seat and gearbox from Hamilton and drop off my bucket to Hamilton... Got room pies aowl?? Will pay you $50 gas moneys cash!!....
  18. I heard the reason why KE70's rust is because they were bought into NZ CKD and left to the elements in Thames waitng for sales to pick up - when they finally did about 3 years after they arrived they finally started assembling semi rusty bodies..
  19. Its so hard to stay modest when you as awesome as me's... me lubs UJ 22222 maybe it just be he drink talking....
  20. I worked on a couple cars in my life and I have almost never used one - except on big 4WD's and vehicles over 3.5Tonne... yea help a tad somtimes just use heat to the max , fuck the grain etc and have your bits fall apart at 100 kmh due to heat fracture and the likes ... FUCK HEMI YOU ARE SUCH A RETARD - but one that I LUBS cos you lets me draw on your neck
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