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Everything posted by Corbie

  1. How many millions is it going to cost to get a smooth quiet asphalt driveway up there for the Lexus?
  2. Yea left overs from the maxi project.
  3. I have another one of these and a matching set of coils if you are interested @yoeddynz
  4. strip before the repair cert then seal after its been inspected / documented?
  5. I didn't know @yoeddynz was in Auckland... Looks like it was only driven to church on Sundays by nana now.
  6. might have to head straight home after that one. feel sorry for anyone going to be on the plane with me later on. Lol For a job in Te Hana... need some minions to look after my work up that way. should still be able to do lunch though.
  7. I'm around next week, is there a suitable substitute for Mercury Plaza though?
  8. need a couple of chainsaws in the support cars next year?
  9. banged together a table out of recycled mostly 2x3" timber from the house renovations. also gave the bench seat a bit of a tickle with a paintbrush to finish it off.
  10. Too much power. lost traction.
  11. need to get @Dolan involved in this one.
  12. must be a pile of written off Aquas around somewhere.
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