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  1. I already talked to Jason about that but decided i shouldn't. thought it would make a good south island car for @0R10N
  2. You are making us other R30 owners look bad with ya progress Beau! Top work!
  3. I have been getting into the Sunny wagon lately, will get back into this soon. Should actually do updates on the Sunny
  4. Got new wheels, Did a show, Good times
  5. If the Gov can't view it I should be able to help out.
  6. I hadn't thought about checking the ECU, I think KY even gave me a second one when i got the car. Long term plan is to throw a link into it to get away from some of that old technology gear. plus either way the fuel side of things does need to be fixed haha
  7. Still has 5 cylinder moments, Will be starting over with the fuel system soon plan is to get all 3 sets of injectors flow tested and use the best 6, fit all new seals and the stupid plastic spaces they have. Should of just kept KY happy and gone JZ
  8. Cheers guys! Cant wait to get these few more final pieces done and then I can drive it again!
  9. More progress made! Now has BC Golds for a S13 all round, S14 front hubs and carriers. still running standard R30 bottom arms but have the longer S14 ones there as well. Front lip going back on this week after the new turbo back exhaust is made. Got a couple more small things to tidy up and then should be set for cert!
  10. Trust you to have something as funny as this happen!
  11. Canterbury Brake & Clutch do good work, we use them for work and have never had any problems. I think its one of those things where other work shops say they can do it, send to CBC and then throw a small mark up on the job even though they did nothing.
  12. I had mine done by Surfab, he did them the exact same as Freshs GX71 and a few other ones over the years. This was the first time he had a problem with it.
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