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i will have to let you know, seems like you may be keen to aquire them, 

ill have to have a long hard think about whether i want to store them or not, on one hand i hate them, on the other hand, they were a bespoke, and original alloy produced for the chevron (to my understanding) and it appears most chevrons have lost them. 

*probably due to how badly they fit and how shit they look*

  • 4 weeks later...

man is that really what they want to charge for something like that? its not even a good bearing. 

if its gonna be anymore than 20 bucks for an oem bearing ill just make an off the shelf skf fit/never gonna wear out again.

edit - i do ofcourse appreciate the help and sourcing of other options! 

  • Like 2

Yeah bugger spending $80 on a bearing like that.

Ask about on the vauxhall viva facebook group or the nz vauxhall group. Someone will have a spare i bet. 

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went to saeco but nothing off the shelf (though increasingly ive found saeco to be unable to help with things that arnt direct replacements) so have taken that with a grain of salt and having a look online myself. 

it sure would help if i could find my vernier calipers, or even my streel rule. 


keep ya garages clean yo, its a pain in the ass,

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i repacked the bearing with grease and it made it heaps better, but there's still a little play unfortunately enough that i probably do need to source a new bearing to fit in there. 

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Isn't it a type of angular bearing? Its much like a oldschool wheel bearing in a pushbike. So if you machine up or find a thin shim to go between the end of the column tube and the bearing flange you'll squeeze the bearing that bit tighter to take up the slack.

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its appears to be a double row ball bearing type. its not tapered, but it might be like an old pushbike? ive never played with them. 

unfortunately the play is between the shells and balls. so the inner race has some movement in it that it shouldnt do. 

its a 16mm shaft, which is weird because i thought it would have been imperial. but 16mm bearings arnt very common.


the amount of play left with the grease, id probably be happy to run with (knowing that the bearings not going to collapse or anything) but i dont think the wof man should have to accept a half fixed solution 

8 hours ago, BlownCorona said:

its a 16mm shaft, which is weird because i thought it would have been imperial. but 16mm bearings arnt very common

Not a 5/8" shaft? Pretty close to 16mm


you know youre probably right there, i was only going 16mm cause thats what the guy at saeco measured, but id better buy a battery for my verniers (or get some OG ones) and check for myself. id  be much less surprised if it was 5/8ths

be a bunch more options at 5/8ths too

  • Like 1

@BlownCorona there should be plenty of castor adjustment in the standard Viva subframe set up.  The lower arm is on a rubber bush so will happily move back and forth on adjustment (and if the bushes are flogged out it will move back and forth while driving too!) and the top arm is fixed by it's two mounting points.

Just undo the big nuts on the castor arm and wind it out.  Maybe also replace the bushes on the castor arm too.  You can get a Nolathane part for it (Torana).

Looking in some of my reference manuals they recommend 2.5 to 4 degrees.  I'd wind heaps into it for sporty driving.

The upside of using a Viva front end is the whole thing is self contained.  The body/chassis mounting points don't make any difference to any of it, they only hold the body to the suspension.  Of course would pay to make sure the subframe is mounted square to the chassis.

  • Like 1

oh fantastic, i was hoping there would be something easy. and i did look at those arms and wondered. 

im picking its got fuck all castor since with the car on the ground and the steering disconnected i can swivel the wheel through its full movement no problems when it should  be trying to lift the car.

thanks for the angle spec too!


Yeah what the geoffman said.  plus one for getting nolothane bushes on the castor arms. Under really heavy braking the standard old squidgy bushes can flex quite a bit so allowing that arm to move backwards - in turn leads to less castor right when you need it most and you'll get a 'squirrelly' * front end with less stability. It can be really quite bad in a Viva if you brake fucking hard for a corner from high speed and the front end can wander a little right when all you want is directness.  This might not be so bad in a lighter car but its still worth changing them.

The ones I got listed for Toranas needed machining in the lathe to suit the cup it locates in. The company claimed they have sorted this now but do check.






*  maybe not the right terminology I just like the idea of lots of squirrels appearing under heavy braking..

  • Like 1

Awesome insight. Much appreciated, I'll definitely look at getting nolothane bushes in there. The rubber ones fitted look to be somewhat new (albeit it was a 14 year old barn find) so this could also explain why it's got approximately 1 degree of caster 

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Saeco are hopeless 4 anything outa the box. I spend about $70k on bearings a year and deal with a great company that can find almost anything! If you get the Id and od and pic of the bearing ill see what I can find for ya.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, random question, but do you have the previous owners of this somewhere? I think I owned it about 20 years ago in Palmerston North - if I'm right my father made the grill with the 7 in it. 

  • Like 1

yes, i purchased it from the wood family in upper hut,  friends of a friend. very likely the same car in that case.

they gave me a big folder with info and some relevant book scans in it, i may find some more previous owner details in there


ps. on this forum we separate discussion and build threads. 

please find the discussion thread here. however since this is relevant to the vehicle history it would also be fitting to have in here. 


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