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vivaspeed last won the day on May 9 2021

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About vivaspeed

  • Birthday November 19

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  1. What a turnout! Good to catch up with everyone.
  2. Keen for a catch up. What’s the best takeaway in this area to grab dinner from?
  3. I think I saw a post to say Southwards has been cancelled this Sunday?
  4. This is normally a rubbish Thursday for me, but I’m not going to that thing this month. Keen. (although I will have been in the city in the day time so not sure about a return trip again in the evening) Next Weds also works well for me and I will be in the city from 4pm onwards. Edit: Weds 25th evening may be no good now either. TBC.
  5. 160km round trip to eat a burger and have yarns was well worth it. Great way to undo 6 days of being cooped up at home with sickness.
  6. I'm 50/50 on this at the moment. Been battling a yuck flu for the past week. I’m definitely on the improve and not contagious anymore but will see later in the day if I’m up to it. (I promise I won’t make anyone else sick)
  7. No problems, PM me the details and I’ll grab it for you. Should fit in the back of my Falcon ute.
  8. @Thphantum I could grab it for you and even deliver to Tauranga on my next run up… What is it off/what size?
  9. I’d be keen but 15th may be a problem for me (that third Thursday is always a clash).
  10. I’m probably be a non starter as have got a million work things to get done this week and expect I’ll be working late.
  11. Wouldn’t want to ruin your romantic dinner out…
  12. No idea. Thinking about recent locations maybe something in the Hutt to mix it up a bit? That’s if there is anywhere suitable. I have pretty poor availability this week and next (maybe next Weds night?). Evening functions two Thursdays in a row.
  13. @Mourning Cupcake are we having a monthly meet this month?
  14. I see your logic. However, I’ve got to do a presentation to a large group, I should probably turn up to that instead.
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