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Everything posted by Willdat?

  1. Cool idea - and has worked in Nelson several times. I think the "you break it - you replace it rule" is only fair too. Just gets rid of any grey areas...
  2. Depends what you want to model...definitely don't need a scanner. Fusion 360 is free for most...probably where I'd start. If you've never done any computer modelling at all TinkerCAD is a nice simple toy.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/events/139750353213667/ 19th of March Autocross/Grasskhana - I think this is the same place as Marahau Nats...Beagle will be there racing!
  4. Not a dating fail story but - I'm helping a solo Mum move on Sunday morning - agreed to this months ago. Only supposed to be an hour, so I'll try shift it to as early as possible and shoot up straight after.
  5. Cheers dude, Beagle is now good to go! Only a non-functioning indicator with non-blown bulb left to sort. I didn't think Japanese cars were supposed to have this flavour of electrical issue. @yoeddynz will you be Mot-Valleying or heading up via Belgrove? Squeezing a ride in would be a sweet combo deal...
  6. Beagle is out of action for the moment - mind you - new engine should be here for the CL50 tomorrow (I hope) so I'm probably out of luck riding MTBwise... Sunday probably works better for me. But I also probably need a ride, so beggars can't be choosers!
  7. Wat - I fail at calendars, I had in my head this was tomorrow. I could have been there, idiot!
  8. I blame someone who is too good at taking shiny photos of vehicles, I mean look at the price of KPs before you started interfering with them...
  9. A perfect storm of events means I'll be unlikely to make the whole thing - anniversary the night before combined with my older boy's birthday party in the afternoon.
  10. Auto to manual conversion - I'm sure an auto is what you're really after....
  11. So did another mission up to Mt Patriach before xmas in this, went well, except a collapsed wheel bearing has left it out of action since. Haven't really needed it so it has pretty much been ignored. Will get it going again, but think it could do with a bit of a birthday as it really does exactly what I want better than anything else I can afford! To do list: 1. Get rid of ABS - I'm not 100% on whether I can do this without cert, and also what parts I need to do this legitimately. I'm sure @chris r will know... 2. Replace wheel bearing, sourced already - forgot I had ABS so it's not actually the correct one - hence #1 on the list! 3. Replace top radiator hose - sourced from Aus way cheaper than here.
  12. Amazing offer! I think my brother is pretty keen on taking this to a disputes tribunal as the seller has been pretty awful. But when he undoubtedly doesn't pay up will be quite cool to have an excuse to open a gearbox up (new experience for me). Cheers!
  13. @scooters Should check this out...he works with hydraulics day to day plus he can explain it to me! Is there any footage of what the driver is doing with some of those wheel lifting maneuvers?
  14. New second hand 5 speed gearbox in little bro's 180SX won't select 1st or 2nd - all other gears are fine. Both shifters he has are different and even 1/2" extension bar manually wiggling down the top of the box can't seem to select them. Anything obvious we're missing? The state of the 'only used for 1 day bro' clutch suggests that seller may have been a little optimistic.
  15. He was Year 13 - designed in Inventor and 3D printed over a few weeks. I teach from Year 9-13, it's a scam of a job as motivation is pretty high .@yoeddynz hung out in our dept a few years ago so should be able to testify to how sweet it is. Another student designed and built this in class - would be a lot easier now we have a laser cutter... http://www.instructables.com/id/Acrylic-Skeleton-Clock/
  16. Nah - teach Engineering. That's where the magic happens. This year I had a student scratch build this.
  17. Diesel oil doesn't have friction modifiers in it so is a cheap solution. http://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/caltex-super-diesel-engine-oil-15w-40-4l/R2040015.html#q=diesel+oil&start=1
  18. I will as soon as engine availability is confirmed - Thailand is the source, as my saved Trademe search has been fruitless.
  19. That's a great lap time - if only ProStreet had a condition, "Competitors must also carry all their camping gear to and from the event".
  20. I may have found a new engine for my CL50...one years rego for the bike the engine is from will pay for its cert if I decide to go down the legit route. Engine from one of these...
  21. Company is key with these things - I've had a few opportunities recently where I've had to bail for lack of a support vehicle/cell coverage. @Vintage Grumble's Carib would have been an ideal group member.
  22. We really need to get a not really suitable for offroad use wagon mission sorted. I think the Beagle and this would be good friends! Not sure who else would join us...
  23. Do you know what wattage the motor is rated at? You may find it's only one of the batteries that is fried/dead/dry. Pull the batteries out and have a go at charging them individually with a car charger. Is it a hub motor or separate chain drive unit?
  24. Not specifically about electric scooters but I'll probably have some ideas - cheap option is that charger is poked - more expensive is that batteries are not happy. Post some photos up once it shows up and I'll throw some ideas at you for fault finding.
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