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Shaz last won the day on January 29 2016

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About Shaz

  • Birthday 22/02/1982

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  1. I'm keen and Brad wants to come too. I'm flexible on dates.
  2. This sounds terrible. Count me in!
  3. I too have done this at a school concert. Count me in for tomorrow's dinner.
  4. I just came to check where this is happening because I thought it was tonight, but now I'm disappointed to learn that it's only Wednesday today. Long week is long. See you guys tomorrow instead!
  5. Please get a really ugly wedding dress.
  6. That link says 8 March 2015. Edit: I think this is the correct link. http://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2016/the-wellington-truck-and-transport-show/upper-hutt?utm_campaign=also-visited-events&utm_medium=click-through&utm_source=2015%2Fthe-great-wellington-truck-show%2Fupper-hutt It says Sunday March 13, 2016. I'm keen.
  7. And it looks like the sun is going to leave us alone for a change!
  8. We're heading to the camp out past Wainui, not Kaitoke. I had the same wrong idea in my head last week too.
  9. Was anyone upset by the presence of Princess Ruby at the last meet? (This slutty beast) She loves the beach so I thought I might bring her along again. If she's a menace for anyone, I'll leave her behind though.
  10. Heh. Literally?
  11. That sucks! Should we send ribs to the hospital?
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