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Everything posted by VitesseEFI

  1. Having the rad temperature sensor in the outgoing flow gives the rad load/cooling efficiency. This makes it easier to control the fans and maintain a steady engine temperature as it gives an earlier indication that the rad is loosing the battle Senarios: - low load, low speed in traffic, so little actual airflow. Top hose temp won’t go up until the whole system is heat soaked. -high load, high speed. Top hose temp may be quite high but you don’t the fans on as there’s plenty of natural airflow.
  2. Really? Are you a hooligan? A mate had a series 2A shorty with coil spring chassis, RR ‘box and 3.9 V8 on SUs. It weighed almost 2.5 tons and still did better than that on fuel. Except when towing a horse box with two fat horses in it, when it did worse, though not much worse…. I shall follow the development with great interest. Fuel economy hides in the ignition timing map as well as the fuel map, but I sure you know that. Nick
  3. Congrats on the successful outing. I expected no less. Fuel economy is….. errr…… 12.33mpg if you use imperial gallons. Still fairly horrific. Something not right there- about double thst should be possible. Imagine Speeduino and a bit of tuning will help a lot. Presumably the 3.9 could handle a stiffer torque converter for a bit less slip…. Not that you’ll be wanting to pull the engine again! Nick
  4. Struts not rebuildable? I mean I’m sure they’re not intended to be but maybe can be done? Nick
  5. Just buy the right bearing. Looks like it should be 12mm. Likely less than 10 bucks even for a decent quality one. What on earth is 10.89mm anyway?? Don’t mod the gearbox as then it’ll be wrong/different for ever more and catch you out next time (guess how I know that!) Nick
  6. A couple of years back I got fed up with the general fragility of Triumph gearboxes (again) and decided I would make one of the Mazda gearboxes I had kicking around fit in my Triumph GT6. Critical goal was minimal hackery to car itself….…… …… was a bit of a mission. https://sideways-technologies.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/8925-mazda-gearboxes-some-bstard-told-me-it-was-impossible-so-i-had-to-do-it/#comments
  7. Oh yeah….. really not nice at all. Got some of that going on. Lots of small strokes taking him bit by bit. He commented recently that the hardest part of life seems to getting a clean dismount at the right moment…. His legacy lives on
  8. Outstanding Goes really hard for what it is. 122 mph……. Looks like a real hoot to drive too. Toyota build a solid bottom end and Roman extracts the max from it! Nick
  9. Indeed. Very sad and difficult. That conversion is going to be something to be proud of. Absolutely massive project but you just keep chipping away at it, one challenge at a time . Nick
  10. Find it strange going to a separate thread to comment….. also that no one has commented since May as there’s some very classy work happening here. Should get plenty of attention asbo orange Nick
  11. Heh…wtf….. that’s a strange one….. Design flaw. Nick
  12. This is Jack. He was born about 20 years ago after we had a holiday in Berrynabor in North Devon. They have an annual pot-man (pot-person) competition and the place is infested with them, pot men, pot women, even a few pot cats and dogs. The kids, who were small at the time, absolutely loved them and insisted I made them one. So I did. He spent his first 15 years sitting in a huge pear tree at our last house, holding a saw. Then we moved. Initially he lived in a willow tree about 10 feet above where he is now, but that died and had to be cut down, so he was homeless. No2 son is an obsessive road biker so I made Jack a bike as a piss-take. Get plenty of amusement from passer-by reactions . Kids love it.
  13. Not really….. but really, really unreliable and not small problems either. The insurance companies know this.
  14. Very classy work on the inlet and fuel rail - as expected from this artisans workshop Done a few fuel rails myself, but never a side feed….. in fact I don’t remember seeing anyone do one before. Came out very nicely. Swarf….. have to be careful about that. If I bring it in the house I’ll find myself living in the workshop! Nick
  15. Sounds pretty keen ….. seems very dark though, could maybe go a bit harder with the lights on?
  16. yeah….. was going to suggest you shouldn’t take fashion advice from that cat….
  17. Check out Dolomite racks. They live behind the axle line and I think many parts are interchangeable with the other Triumph racks. Mind you, with that fat Jag lump of the front wheels PAS might be nice…. Nick
  18. That’s what LHD racks are for…. Suspect there are other unintended consequences lurking though - there always are!
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