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About Jusepy82

  • Birthday 30/09/1981

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  • Interests
    Bikes , Honda atc's


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  1. Very VERY nice !
  2. We need a LOVE button !
  3. Awsome , thanks . I was looking into shrinking discs but unsure how they work. I will watch the video tonight.
  4. Hello again oldschoolers ! How do you deal with "oil canning' on a guard. Tonight on my escort I tried to heat it up and cool it down and then beat it with a dolly and hammer but it didnt seem to work that well. I think Im using a butane torch which does not centralize the heat enough and heats the whole panel instead of the percise spot im trying to shrink. Anyways , techniques and thoughts please.
  5. Found alittle rust hole and the panel is pretty lumpy and uneven. I will be smoothing it out with my hammer and dolly but it's only the front half by the bumper that is uneven. Pretty stoked with how good it is really.
  6. Bare metalled the whole guard as I was unsure of the condition of it under all of the bog and paint.
  7. Alittle bit of progress over the last few weeks. Repaired a hole in the left hand guard I found.
  8. This is a cool thread. Cheers lads
  9. I've got the cigweld 185 below that model. Havnt had any problems with it but I've been welding sheet metal. I think there is a picture earlier in this thread.
  10. Well tonight I decided to weld the patch panel in Not sure if I'm happy with it but will sleep on it. Still have to finish the bottom of the patch and also make an inside flange for the wing Fitch panel to fit into. I also took to it with a dolly and a panel hammer to try and sort out the low spots. Might give it a weld from the inside to get ultimate penetration.
  11. I was thinking 1mm as measuring the metal that came off it was 1mm
  12. What thickness would you guys reccomend for panel steel for an escort ?
  13. Thanks @Nominal. Was shitting myself that it would be expensive as.
  14. Thanks @kws. We have a steel and tube here in Palmerston North that sells sheet metal, im going to ring them on tuesday and see what they do and dont do. That site looks good , Il email them aswell.
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