My daughter built 1 in @Willdat? s class a few years ago using 4 light detecting diodes, arduino switched on every half hr, running Chinese 40 to 1 motors onto a couple of gearboxes for electric window regulators. Safety cams and switches to limit movement if a bird takes a dump on the diodes.
A fuel pump exchanging the hot fuel from underbonnet could run 6 seconds every min for 10 mins, pulling maybe 3 amps (facet) so 3 amps for 1 min total vs 25amps for 10 mins for an average 300w fan.
If bumping a low pressure fuel pump is dangerous perhaps you need to put your car over the pit.
Those little fans blowing on the float bowl look like an ideal low current solution to me.
If it is vapor locking due to heat soak would running an electric fuel pump intermittently for a few mins exchanging the fuel do the same as running the fan for way less Amp draw?
Count me in and I will pay and register when I get home at the end of the month. Internet not good enough for banking out here. No idea if I will be home for it but it can be a donation if I am living the other life I have at sea.
So far away from committing. In Perth, Singapore Thursday. Will bring Caddy or whatever if something has a wof. Hope to have some idea of time on and off by the end of next month. Will be there if I am home.
I'd go if I was home at the time but gotta grab work as it comes now that I am working on casual contracts with a crewing agency. Might need to be the ln106 too which is cheating for the lake run