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Lord Gruntfuttock

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Lord Gruntfuttock last won the day on September 13

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    Driving the wife mad by buying projects and tinkering in the shed at 5am...


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  1. Ah maybe cos I'm on tank water it goes ok, had it tested for brewing and it's near as dammit distilled water quality...
  2. Oh interesting. I've done a few carbs in simple green and only ever had one go a little like that. I dilute and rinse off immediately though. Will investigate the SG purple. Didn't even know that was a thing...
  3. I've just used disposable plastic shot glasses to scoop out small amounts of paint/hardener in the past. Toss 'em when done. When house painting I've just bought a soup ladle from the $2 shop. Mainly cos I can't pour paint without making a mess, means the lid grooves stay clean etc...
  4. Saw this today at a car show. No idea what's in it tho...
  5. Yeah that's frustrating as hell. Mate had wooden dash pulled out of his Mk1 Jag in his garage, (effectively writing it off). They left pliers etc in car but no prints taken, even with a good idea who it was. Bring back horse thief punishment I say...
  6. How bout this one...? https://www.facebook.com/share/hPXjrLTapMHExDWA/?mibextid=kL3p88
  7. Yeah couple of Windsor plugs can be a bit awkward, can't remember which one, but one of mine is only accessible with the right combination of socket extension/universal joint attachments. Typically they're the plugs that never get changed or get cross-threaded by booger-fingered owners...
  8. ^ My Mini build brings all the Barrys to the yard, and they're like, worse sharns than yours. Damn right, they're worse than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge...
  9. They're a strong tranny. My only failure was when the torque converter fins fell off and I lost drive (burnouts to blame prob). Still running same trans but I've put alloy sump and thick silicone gasket on after suffering leaks and have replaced the filter, lower pickup too with deeper sump). There were a few flakes in the sump but I've chosen to ignore them...
  10. How's the fluid. Checked level on dipstick with engine warm and in park? Colour? Burnt smell? [Edit] sorry just read properly. If fluid looks good I've got nothing...
  11. Think that's same as mine. 600 vac sec Holley. Number looks familiar. Lots of parts/kits available. Think they have fixed secondaries via metering plate? but you can get a jet conversion. Also offer variable vacuum secondary springs so you can tune when they come in. I put a quick change diaphragm adapter on so was easy to play with. Sort of jealous. Looks fun...
  12. I looked at a 9 inch but thought fuck it. It's expensive and heavy and the old borgy handles a lot more powerful engines than mine. If XYs weren't so narrow it'd be easier, but I'll diff swap when I need to rather than just cos. Plus tahi wheel peels are ace...
  13. Did other wood bin. Cut some discs out of the copper footing and found a brass one from something I'd made earlier to blank off the holes. Had visions of a beautifully free flowing solder job... But it was really hard, turns out a copper bin is a huge heat sink, so when doing the big one the other ones just slid off... Eventually got there, and after sanding and dent hammering clear coated it... And done, looks ok I guess.... But bloke at work was just saying he got $150 scrap each for 2 smaller copper cylinders. Not sure it was worth the hassle/breathing in all the dust, could have just bought some bins, but that's not the OS way...
  14. Had this big ol copper hot water cylinder in the paddock for ages, was always gonna do something with it... So cut both ends off to make some wood bins, pulled out the element/temp probe tube and knocked out dents. Cylinder was so big there's a whole centre section I may make a drinks/ice bucket out of yet... Looked at putting claw foot legs on the bins, but just bought cheap wooden fruit bowls off Temu, along with brass handles and some edge strip. The bowls are around 300mm dia, and quality reflects the price (cheap AF), one arrrived broken and the wood is damn near balsa spec, but they'll do... The ends of the cylinders were quite convex so I hammered them down flat and cut a decent hole in the bowls and gave them a coat of cedar stain/varnish... Then sanding, sanding, sanding with 120 grit to get a rough polish. I'm leaving it rough with character scratches and dents, cos they're wood bins... Then wiped down with wax & grease remover, and sprayed with clear spray bomb, bolted base to copper with some big washers, added a black edge strip, riveted some handles on, and done... Only did one today as a concept but came out OK I think. Two would look better each side of the fire so I'll cut off the copper base ring, solder some brass frost plugs over the holes and do the other one the same...
  15. Yeah I'd try paint remover. The shit paint should almost wipe off with one pass and you'll be able to scuff the factory paint for priming/painting. I usually end up with it going everywhere so wear old clothes and safety specs.
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