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- i5oogt -

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- i5oogt - last won the day on August 21 2016

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About - i5oogt -

  • Birthday 04/13/1985

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  1. Thinking Ouruhia Domain again as it has good shade etc under the trees. 21st or 22nd?
  2. Did you guys want to do the OS bbq at ouruhia for the christmas meet? Just seeing if there is any appetite for it etc
  3. so check in at the camp is going to be around 2.30/3.00pm, what time were most people wanting to convoy up from Christchurch? 12.30ish?
  4. I was thinking I should probably call the boozer in hanmer and make sure they have plenty of PGs in stock
  5. Next Meet: Wednesday 18th September no Wednesday meet this month because its Hanmer
  6. main post updated, next Wednesday evening at Spitfire Square
  7. Entries and payments will be updated later today. Keep them coming in!
  8. A couple of the wounders.inc loan cars. Just waiting on some wofs lol
  9. Entry form is now available. Get involved
  10. next one, 15th of May, does that suit?
  11. I have updated the main meet thread. 7pm Wednesday 3rd April at Spitfire Square
  12. last time we ran Hanmer in 2019, the entry fee was $100, this covered camp and pools., from memory the camp was something like $2500-$3000 to book for the weekend and we had 37 people according to the entry form. I do wonder if we change the format somewhat if we can't get the numbers to get the camp exclusively or if they don't want to rent it out to us in its entirety etc.
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