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Everything posted by flyingbrick

  1. We have stuff at work done through terei brothers plating. Seems all good and bits seem to get done quick
  2. So I made a few phone calls. Paint is no problem (but of course you pay for it) They will do nothing high tensile due to hydrogen embrittlement HOWEVER when probed further for specifics he just said no high tensile bolts and everything else is fine.. So I asked someone very experienced in engineering and automotive shit and he said ABSOLUTELY no to getting anything forged done...no front stub assemblies, no steering arms, nothing at all like that. Makes sense but good to get a definitive answer that I can trust. Also.. olive drab and gold etc is all the same price. Back seems a bit harder to get.
  3. Well you can use denso wax tape to keep galv off stuff so I figured it would work with zinc too
  4. What's barrel plating? I had some parts gold zinc plated the other day and they look great. Did a search and black zinc looks great and far better at hiding any scratches or flaws in the finish... I'm sold! Does their cleaning process remove paint?
  5. I'm sending some parts off for gold zinc plating and it occurred to me that I could tidy up a whole lot of my stuff by sending it off at the same time. There are a few reasons- it's cost effective, easy (I'm not doing it), durable and it also looks pretty damn sweet/professional. So what shouldn't someone send off for plating? Are there any issues with material embrittlement or warping or WOF/CERT guys getting upset? So far I'm thinking of the following- Cast front hubs (bearing surfaces covered in tape first) Forged steering arms Swaybars A million assorted brackets Front stub (stub itself would be covered in wax tape first) High tensile steel bolts/linkages/nuts Pressed steel suspension arms Etc etc etc Any constructive info appreciated.
  6. Oh my god! Someone needs to separate the discussion from this.. I can see it's gonna get annoying. WOW
  7. The problem with those baskets/lights and other bolt on things is that they can be seriously detrimental to speed when you are already lacking in power. I seriously could hardly believe the difference pulling my shit off made. That and on my 4wd the basket out it over max height for certain parking buildings. A real pain in the ass for something that was otherwise completely practical
  8. Man I really hope you told them how shit they were. If you are employed to build diffs then you should really be able to build diffs.
  9. Lol, I love that. Shows that they are human afterall
  10. Dammit I now have another awesome project thread to watch
  11. Wow, the designer is quite an interesting chap!
  12. I don't understand what I'm looking at there.
  13. Yup if ya can fit the whole part into ya solution then its a bloody magic process!Cheap too! If it's really rusty then you may want to pull ya sacrificial bit out and scrap/file it clean a few times. Make sure you get ya anode and cathode round the right way LOL. It won't remove paint tho (atleast from my experience) The water needs to contact the steel under the paint- if the paint is any good then this won't happen. Bin-in sells washing soda very cheaply. You want Sodium carbonate (washing soda) NOT Sodium Bicarbonate (baking powder) For paint use a waterblaster fitted with a sand blaster head. Never used one myself but I hear the results are great and there is no panel warping- the water must cushion the impacts or something. SCA sells the heads. This is from my experience fooling round. If it's wrong plz correct me (for my own good).. Otherwise- hopefully it sends this guy down the right track. (Edit) had a look online. It seems some people have had success with it for paint removal. Maybe some paints are affected more than others? I will try this again!
  14. https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=phosphoric+acid+nz&oq=phosphoric+acid+nz&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j0l3j69i60.3965j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  15. Just Google it- there's specialist chemical places all over nz that sell it.
  16. A+, brains are sneaky buggers. The new fab work looks fab
  17. Could you just make the opposite lamp purely decorative and convert the two remaining lenses to hi/lo beam units. Then atleast functionally it's symetrical
  18. Pretty much nobody should be linking to anywhere but aliexpress
  19. I had this same idea after using those Bluetooth speakers at work. Bloody great things and they put out amazing sound/volume for the size and price. I'll toss one into the hq and have a USB cable plugged in to charge it. Super easy!
  20. I wouldn't t off the fpr line personally. Have seen strange things happen with fuel pressure after boost controllers etc have been installed. Logic says it shouldn't matter but I think there can end up being waves of vacuum created as diaphragms reach their limits or start moving etc etc.
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