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Everything posted by Chris.QCR

  1. Anothet plus one for those Amazing wheels ! Goddamn !!
  2. Expressing keen interest and also keen on Nape Nape too. Great spot there
  3. Yeah was a rad weekend ! Great spot and good yarns later around the fire
  4. Fucking love it ! Possibly just because it pisses off old men like Alex, But mainly because they own a fucking Ferrari and they can do what the hell they want to with it!
  5. Just packing some shit now . Gotta get some gas for the big rig
  6. I read somewhere earlier in the thread its was 11am at the Peg ?
  7. Yeah Ill also bring some bacon for a morning fryup. Both getting over colds but should be good for the weekend
  8. Good luck Dangeruzz ! Looking forward to the shitty stories from mancamp
  9. Id spread it out over 3 to 4 days to be honest. Ive also used this for a couple bike tanks and a car tank and the longer you let everything do its thing the better the results
  10. Clean your jets out. If the tank was full of shit there is every bit chance some shit is in there. Cant imagine gearing ratio is that different. And yeah check timing. If all failw take the mega reliable always cooler two stroke !!!
  11. Just turned 32 and to give you ideas for what He likes . Choppers, Vans & Tattoo's
  12. Awesome. Perfect bike for bososuku build
  13. Should run under the seat to double as a seat warmer
  14. Everything sounds swell ! Ill see if the wife can bake some bread that morning. And will also bring snacks and the like. Ill be camping out in the big yank van with my girl.
  15. Honda Tank looks way better dangerous
  16. Extended swingarm for life ! Looks good on the bike ! How great are small bikes dude. In the space of a fortnight you have repowered with a brand new motor just about twice the cc and done frame and suspension mods and rewire for under a grand easily. Love it
  17. Sounds like your riding like a Girl haha My bike is a practically stock 50 with a long swingarm that does nothing for handling along with fucked rear shocks and no fork oil in my forks and I pass all the bigger bikes like Josh easily. About to put a 100cc in my 50 frame. Will probably upgrade the forks and rear shocks so I can decimate everyone. And yeah I need to start planning the next Wellington takeover so you can come down and experience the QCR pack riding first hand
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