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Everything posted by tortron

  1. Sounds like you might need to pull the body off and give it a good clean and blowout
  2. Down in oaxaca. Using my downtime to research and learn up engine tuning, cos i dont understand telemundo
  3. Does it drive well at low/partial throttle. Honestly.iv.never played with any carbs with secondaries, but if it idles nice and drives nice until you mash your foot down then it sounds like an issue with the secondaries - not opening or jets loose/fallen out? Perhaps not the right size for the engine? Did the mechanic actually diagnose what was wrong or just suggest it? Use a better one i guess. First step is check the carb condition. No dried up gaskets giving vac leaks? Damaged or split diaphrams? All linkages correct and functioning fully? All passages clean? And i mean real clean, can chase tiny bits of swarf deep inside for ages. If you open it up take note of the jet sizes for further diagnosis
  4. Hi guys, Here is a link to a great article on modifying your distributor to keep up with your modified engine (think setting your advance curve and soforth rather than just improving spark) Its all straight forward DIY and makes alot of sense, not at all blackmagic. I will be following it through on my old banger http://www.google.com.mx/url?q=http://www.firstfives.org/faq/timing/timing_for_modified_engines.PDF&sa=U&ei=7oxNVNPdNquN8QG8v4DIBA&ved=0CAsQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNEasFUdqVc-E6vQy15gmO-7FjjGKA
  5. Was the deal to get the engine to fire up? Puhuhuhuhu probably as smokey as a new one right
  6. Are there any sweet period mods/bodges that old les has done in his ownership?
  7. By Phil Irving iv got a dirty old oil stained print copy, but if you like you can now download it there http://tuningforspeed.com/ focuses on the tuning of motorcycles, but it pretty much all transfers over to whatever you want to go fast Put it on your reading list
  8. This guy is what you future classics will end up like
  9. Excellent i assumed it would be a long write up
  10. Simplicity would be tune the 1100 flathead into an inch of its life. Shaved head, sports cam, dripping in aquaplane goodies. Maximum roart Farmer spec tray would be cool. Add hungry boards as well Actually im.thinking of the early ford tray with the inlayed boards. That style plus some low varnished hungryboards over a metal side would be nice i assume you wont be keeping the rod brakes haha
  11. What is the law regarding custom/aftermarket bodies im meaning for example putting a fibreglass manx body on a beetle frame, or making an alloy body for something like an austin 7 special
  12. Looks pretty rough. Iv run bikes like that, power was not ideal. Whats the piston like i suggest that this is the perfect time to.get a big bore kit
  13. Remove plugs and crank.her.over itl.fly out and clean your engine bay. A little left.in there wont hurt, itl boil off and decoke your engine as a bonus
  14. Gel coat the floor. I dont think itl work. But i like british cars so what do i know
  15. gasser style fuel tank crumple zone
  16. Sandrails are road legal in mexico rules i hope you were paid well to drag that thing home
  17. At firts i thought you were joking about jb weld and aluminium fixing thise holes. And i laughed. Then ibrealised you were serious and i laughed even harder. Thats awesome. Right out of a 1970s car repair diy video. Therefore oldschool approved.
  18. I sold one of those radios for $5 a few years back. Nz market by bye i think? Period kiwiana anyway. Was thinking of this car recently actually. Good to see it progressing
  19. because a car thief would know which wires to join up
  20. <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed136.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fq194%2Ftortrontortron%2Fsuperpoise%2520delivery%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s136.photobucket.com/user/tortrontortron/library/superpoise%20delivery" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="tortrontortron's superpoise delivery album on Photobucket" /></a></div>
  21. So i took the old girl for a drive from Hamilton, to Matamata, to Tauranga. Stayed the night, then took the back roads to Te Puke, to Whakatane, to Taneatua, and to Opotiki Had no issues, and it ran really well. Kept it cruising at 30-35mph, got down to 10mph in 2nd up the kaimais, but it didnt even heat up. Found two steep bits on old creamery road heading into opotiki, which had me in 1st, but she just keeps chugging. Think i used a tank of gas, approx $90 worth and just a splash of oil. Had the back loaded up with all the spares as i was delivering it to its new owner - my Dad, who plans on using it to drive into town to get groceries and to take up the back blocks on his possum line. Perfect town for it to be in really, lots of quiet country roads, no traffic lights, and little traffic Here is a link to the album http://s136.photobucket.com/user/tortrontortron/library/superpoise%20delivery
  22. In my old cars its even simpler Starter has its own circuit so you can turn it over even if the key is off ign switch is only ever on or off and only controls the "go" parts of the car accessorys are always live. i.e headlamps and sidelights (brake lights only work when the car is turned on)
  23. electric fuel pump? getting power and ticking? id check that fuel is getting pumped, then see if its getting into the carb (i.e float bowl) and that no filters are blocked along the way is the free flow filter an air filter?
  24. Went for a long drive (high comp head, lightened flywheel. But no extractors or carbs) and she went very well. 150miles and up a couple of steep hills - the kaimais. Handles very well, as it should with all the steering and suspension rebuilt. Not even a hair of slack or wobble in the steering wheel at open road speeds. Can get up the kaimais in 3rd if theres nothing in the way to slow you down. Doesnt quite have the oomph to overtake the slower trucks. Will cruise nicely at 4000RPM in 4th (going from t he manual 4400 is peak power, shifting at about 5000 seems about right to keep the power up). Cant quite squeeze the extra 500RPM out in 4th at this stage. With these shorter tyres this gives me a top speed of about 57mph at 4000rpm (assuming i could achieve the same rpm with original sized tyres i would be at about 62mph at this point, so an extra mph or 2 on the top speed). Current performance 1st 18mph larger tyres:19.5 2nd 31mph larger 33mph 3rd 46mph larger 54.56 4th at 4000rpm 57mph larger 62 Theoretical top speed:4000rpm 67mph, 4500rpm 75mph, 5000rpm 83mph (with original aspect tyres) - Speedo only goes up to 80 too, not that id want to do that sort of speed in this. 100kph crusing is more than enough I should really time how fast it takes as well, the lightened flywheel and shaved head seem to have increased low down power and acceleration, i do notice a 3rd gear flatspot, so adjusting the driving style is needed (as mentioned in the old tuning articles). No doubt with the carbs and extractors i will be seeing some improvements, which can only get better after the engine is freshened up.
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