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Everything posted by Nominal

  1. Yep, looks good to me. Good idea to start on the easy bits first
  2. No organized checkpoints. They'll still test you if they pull you up.
  3. A speedy erection is the main advantage I think.
  4. Probably a Carter 4070 https://www.nzperformance.co.nz/carter-4070-72gph-6psi-fuel-pump I run one directly to the carb - no regulator - on the Mercury and it seems OK. I do have it mounted at the back of the car down by the gas tank.
  5. And if belts are mounted, what does that change? Location of the upper mount according to the template I know about, but anything else?
  6. WFH trial day confirmed for me for tomorrow so I won't be coming. sadface
  7. My gran had a super minx. Not a wagon though as she wasn't cool.
  8. Think I might not be in town as it's likely to be a WFH test day. Will know for sure on weds.
  9. Class purchase, you (probably) won't be disappointed.
  10. I had trouble getting my 'new' VN engine running after installing it. I think the main issue was injectors that were stuck. On the 3.8 it's possible to remove the raid and injectors as a unit and let them spray into the air. Not sure if this is possible on the V8.
  11. You can get new SU carbs from Burlen in the UK. E.g. http://sucarb.co.uk/conversion-replacement-sets/metro/hif44-service-replacement-carburettor-for-a-austin-metro-1300-1980-onwards.html
  12. I like the way you are thinking - an SU on either a right angle adapter or a pipe manifold should be able to be tucked in somewhere.
  13. Sure. No cert required for that, see Table 7-1-1 https://vehicleinspection.nzta.govt.nz/virms/in-service-wof-and-cof/general/vehicle-interior/seats-and-seat-anchorages
  14. Brave man. I've always been too chicken to look to close at my 390. In the plus side it seems to run OK.
  15. Who rotates tyres these days? (I probably should on the Morris as those skinny radials are hard to get/expensive)
  16. Fairly sure the only WOF check on a spare is that it is securely fastened down, or in a separate compartment to the passengers.
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