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Everything posted by Thphantum

  1. I'm confident I will sort a trailer, neighbour has a car trailer that could work as it is nice and low and lots of tie off points.
  2. Will probably roll the double cab hilux with canopy so tandem trailer could be handy, will ponder
  3. get a new key transponder, just had same issue with an svz. Thats what it was.
  4. Saturday was a right-off because of weather, Did manage to get everything prepped for the roof in between showers. So on sunday I did this, Roof and half the walls on, Bloody shattered now.
  5. My farts have a resonable percentage of moisture content, so vapour levels can be a bit lower. If this helps secure a spot?
  6. Can roll work ute, bt50 freestyle cab for four up nuts to butts support vehicle and trailer Deck is slightly smaller than the holden on this but should still get 4 bikes on.
  7. And some of this.Got enought frame up to measure for roof and walls, Will aim for delivery late this week and roof on Saturday, walls on sunday. Overall a productive weekend.
  8. And a bit of this. Had to knock off early though, got to clean the car to take my mates son and his girlfriend to the school ball. Tomorrows another day.
  9. So today in true OS styles we grabbed the oldest tractor we could find and did this,
  10. The boys from ITM dropped this off today, Looks like I'm gunna be busy tomorrow.
  11. Went and saw the good folk at Steel and Tube to see what I could scrounge in their pile of stuff out the back. They had a bunch of 250 and 300 steel purlins and a whole lot of top hats that I could score for beer. So I started designing a shed in my head around this.Will be mildly unconventional but functional. Also the urban sprawl is getting even closer to me every day so this will be a bolt/screw together set-up so I can pull it down and take it with me. Day one we did holes for the poles.
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