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Everything posted by igor

  1. Glad you're still alive and feeling ready to get back into your project. Love that piece of descriptive writing.
  2. You must have gone right past my place. Or at least past the end of my road.
  3. Our real farmer neighbour has an L200 from the early '80s. It hasn't been legal since the '90s but it always starts, goes, and stops as and when required.
  4. Did you go down the Catlins road or stick to the State Highway?
  5. Road was all sweet today Pete. More rainy and yuck than frozen. Was pretty shit at the start of the week though. Still frost grit everywhere so be at least a little bit sensible.
  6. Scenic route from Dunners to Invers. Turn left off SH1 at Balclutha by the Ford garage.
  7. You coming down Catlins way Pete? Call in for a cuppa / beer whatever if you're passing.
  8. Do those things have the same engine and trans as the EN Civic?
  9. BMC 1800 springs will fit sweet. They are the same external diameter but have thicker coils.
  10. Sounds dodgy catching ther dribbles as they pull out.
  11. Those of us who pay attention have pretty much figured that out already Dane.
  12. Who the fuck changed my title thing? Only just noticed.
  13. ^Seems like hardly any time at all since you were bemoaning the fact that you were about to lose it.
  14. Let us know if it works. My EA is leaking like a cunt for the same reason.
  15. Best figures I ever got out of a coon was sitting on 110-120 most of the way on a long road trip.
  16. Bulk quantities but not much per person cos they were jammed in tight. This is really going the wrong way now.
  17. Commie ute diff gearing must be stump puller spec there Hemi. My doctor mate's '02 Monaro pulled 1100 rpm at 100 km/hr in sixth gear.
  18. Could be. Depends what sort of thing you had in mind. Would be good to meet some of the gang irl.
  19. 40lb in the front, 46lb in the rear in the HiFlys on my coon. Still hogs the gas.
  20. Used to drive an old leaf sprung 4wd Hilux with a wildly inaccurate speedo. At an indicated 150 km/hr the Terratrip gave the actual speed at 132 km/hr. I figure the 15" wheels that had been substituted for the factory 16" ones accounted for a large part of the error.
  21. I used to get 115 mpg out of a '76 CG125 back in the mid '90s.
  22. I have seen 40 litres per 100 km on the fuel consumption readout in my Doctor's '02 Monaro when he nailed it in second gear to pass something.
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