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Everything posted by ajg193

  1. Jebus, that thing just about bends space-time as it jumps off the line
  2. Who all is coming this weekend? Where abouts will OS be located? Banner flag?
  3. Don't let people from Waiuku turn up, unless you like your stuff being thrown in the fire
  4. What is the english axle stud pattern? Thanks
  5. They might even be the correct scale to make the car look right
  6. They would come out too accurately to fit your devilish fantastic piece of rubbish great 80's Russian engineering.
  7. While not quite a 2105, or new guards, something like this might cheer you up: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Child-classic-special-toys-miniature-metal-auto-model-1-32-mini-gaz-vaz-lada-samara-police/1358989359.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.273.P6WQZU&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_2,searchweb201644_3_10001_10002_10005_301_10006_10003_10004_62,searchweb201560_1,searchweb1451318400_6148,searchweb1451318411_6451&btsid=effe119f-79aa-4403-b575-4b149127a7c9 I think it even has working lights. Would make an awesome hood ornament.
  8. I've been running penrite for a while, stuff seems better than magnatec at increasing the time that the valve clearances stay in spec /ling /beer
  9. I could do it. It would give me an excuse to get the old girl out of the city.
  10. Valve clearances should be set to 0.20 mm intake, 0.30 mm exhaust when hot. If you HAVE to set them cold, ie after doing a head gasket, set them to 0.13 mm intake, 0.23 mm exhaust. EDIT: Yours says 0.08/0.13 cold. Set the clearances when hot if ever possible.
  11. Thanks Richie, was one of the first shots taken with the new lens. Definitely a trip worth doing, would have stayed down there for another day if my friend didn't forget to bring clothes/a warm blanket. How big of a fuel tank are you going to have in your thing? I had to keep a pretty close eye on the fuel level to make sure I could make it places without getting caught out. (Probably not an issue if you don't mind paying heaps for fuel in smaller towns)
  12. Took the car down to Milford Sound/Bluff over the last two days. 1700 km in 36 hours and the only issue was yesterday morning when the carburetor iced up when leaving Milford, switched to "Winter Mode" and the engine started back up. Averaged 6.4 L/100 km with two people, equipment and open windows, going the speed limit the majority of the time. This cheeky little bugger had a go at eating my car:
  13. Did a little bit of interior decorating, still looking for a knitting magazine though. And maybe a box of tissues.
  14. I'm not going to be able to prod at the painted over rust holes in the guards now
  15. Bigfoot is into mitsi's, he may be able to help you
  16. So I spent a week running a camp for little kids so I couldn't drive my car. Had a play with the 3D printer and this popped out: It's painted pretty roughly, I haven't painted anything that small since I was the age of the kids (and I was painting it at 11 PM after spending all day running around after the kids).. I should probably get some sandpaper and bog or something to make it look nicer. I never realised what a luxury it was to drive a fully mechanical car until I had to drive the rubbish modern CRV/transit vans on the camp.
  17. Pictures in newest post are just grey negative signs
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