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Everything posted by h4nd

  1. I suggest you start with the example code called blink, and read the pages associated with each keyword/ library routine, i.e. "delay" and "digitalWrite". The answers are there.
  2. Perhaps because of the 43.8 seconds of delay statements in the main loop?
  3. Also curious, does the Wedns at Spitfire thing just chug on each month, or just when organised? (Could use a lift)
  4. Buy one of these, and ship shit for the Chatmans? https://fightersweep.com/10348/volans-i-drones-can-travel-500-miles-carrying-20-pounds-of-cargo-at-200-mph/
  5. Engineer in Chch got some locally, but he's incommunicado in one of the outer Falkland islands at the mo. In a hurry?
  6. I sent a spare to Scotland, and encouraged the chappie to share progress. I didn't see a thread here, and didn't hear back if he'd threaded elsewhere. Maybe I should look up his email.
  7. Thanks man, I have one, so save yourself the time. Appreciate the offer!
  8. Thanks: that's really interesting, but probably not necessary; I have an OK looking piston and barrel, and a spare short block, and another spare rust heap. I'll try rebuilding it with those, do the port chamfering myself, and see how long it goes. I understand those high silicon alloys are a swine to machine? Also: you should probably be charging enough for that kind of work I can't afford it It wouldn't hurt to know your capabilities, some of my work projects have mechanical aspects at the moment.
  9. So, you know, check the spares: Most like that. Okaaaay. I'm rather suspicious of the port edge chamfering of the port done by local rebuilders for this collection from various engines. I'm ordering a couple of sets of gaskets (won't need the second set, right?), and will rebuild with a 0.25mm o/s piston and barrel I have. Interestingly, I've found a working translator for Yahoo auctions Japan, and there's a set of 1.25mm o/s pistons there. Next time, maybe. http://yahoo.aleado.com/lot?auctionID=d159583232
  10. Bible here (Jennings, two stroke tuners handbook): http://www.amrca.com/tech/tuners.pdf
  11. Plumb 'scope into dash, and feed thence to ECU? Of anyone, you could 3d-print a surround!
  12. ^ I did, and fitted an old one. It's been OK, though a little prone to fouling #2 on the very old points I have. I'll have a looksy at the points cam consistency with a dial gauge sometime, before I change points. (2 months later): Rinnnggginging <TOINK> brrrzzzzzzzzzzz. Uh oh. That don't sound right. It's running, but I'll bet a lamington it's taken a ring end again. I'll tear down in the weekend and assess...' I may be lime scooting tomorrow. Arai and hi-viz?
  13. Oh, re the Arduino environment doesn't do autocomplete: VisualMicro is an arduino extension for MS VisualStudio. Do try it.
  14. Although, it can be done, if you want a technical challenge: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=102181.0
  15. Specification unclear. The arduino is now stuck in my ear.
  16. Merry Christmas: const int sensorPin1 = A1; const int sensorPin2 = A2; const int sensorPin3 = A3; int sensorValue = 0; int sensorThreshold = 900; int sensorMax = 0; void setup() { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); } void flashIfHigh(uint8_t inPin, uint8_t outPin) { if (analogRead(inPin) >= sensorThreshold) { digitalWrite(outPin, !(digitalRead(outPin))); } else { digitalWrite(outPin, LOW); } } void loop() { delay(200); flashIfHigh(sensorPin1, 2); flashIfHigh(sensorPin2, 3); flashIfHigh(sensorPin3, 4); }
  17. Also, programming, you have to get everything right, so easier to start small, get it going, then change one thing at a time.
  18. Problem is the extra semicolons at the end of the if lines (sorry I didn't spot it earlier). Did you get any of the standard examples working? It's a really good place to start.
  19. Looks near enough to me. You could measure the current (tricky, with AC) if you're concerned. Keep an eye/nose out for coil getting too hot, etc
  20. That sounds odd? I'd expect to see about 12V on both ends of the ballast? If the ballast Resistor is toast, the car may spark when cranking (ballast is bypassed), then stop when releasing the cranking (tries to feed coil thru that Resistor).
  21. Also, loop happens really fast, so if signal 1 is > ~4V, and the other ones are low, then output pin 2 is going to 99.99% stay high, not blink. If you tell us what you're making, I could show you some pretty ways of making the code, but go have a look at the examples first
  22. I ran it through another editor, to get thn indenting more helpful, and added the digitalWrite you need const int sensorPin1 = A1; const int sensorPin2 = A2; const int sensorPin3 = A3; int sensorValue = 0; int sensorMin = 1023; int sensorMax = 0; void setup() { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); } void loop() { if (sensorPin1 >= 900); { digitalWrite(2, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(2, LOW); } else if (sensorPin1 <= 900); { digitalWrite(2, LOW); } if (sensorPin2 >= 900); { digitalWrite(3, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(3, LOW); } else if (sensorPin2 <= 900); { digitalWrite(3, LOW); } if (sensorPin3 >= 900); { digitalWrite(5, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(5, LOW); } else if (sensorPin3 <= 900); { digitalWrite(5, LOW); } } there's great tutorial and refernces at https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage and a language reference at https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/ Also, have a look at the built in examples: especially File - Examples - 01.Basics - Blink
  23. Check my sig (you might need to use a computer, not a phone to see it?)
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