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Everything posted by felixx

  1. So it is month until this trip.. Who is keen? Cheap campsite River Swimming/ mean as bombs etc I have a spare tent or 2 if you need one
  2. Awesome.. 7 months old.. he will be into it within 18 months. Time to start getting gear together
  3. Im happy to have a BBQ at mine one afternoon
  4. How old is your boy? My 3yr old loves it
  5. Ok so I have a couple of items that are a bit rusty/ have patina. Thinking of preserving this finish and celebrating it. Clear coat in a spray can ok for this?
  6. If the sKoda knew how you felt about him (eastern euros call machines'him' He would be running already
  7. Dez you are a masochist I love your enthusiasm
  8. Was good to see you guy and gals Thanks for checking I got home Karl and EJ
  9. Will try and get there but will park new school whip far away
  10. Thinking of taking the kid's somewhere Fri night. Anyone else keen for a camp?
  11. Ermergerd we must have the same dragon
  12. Thanks guys. Chris, how does the first weekend in Dec sound at Motunau? 1 hour up the road, beach, sea, stream. Cheap as , basic camp ground
  13. So I bundled the kids The fishing rods, the .22, the flounder spear, snorkelling gear etc into the outlander and we were off: Weather was good We caught some fish, played on the beach, set a net, gathered some tuatuas, mussels, cockles and crabs Here are the pics Feel free to ask questions get me out of the car!! setting up camp bring home some tuatuas, cockles and mussels cooking em up Are they ready Alexander's shellfish he gathered himself Eating the crabs returning the Kahawai frame to the ocean your's truly box of Do-bros dead.. bed time
  14. Dammit. Beka is going out for a wine with her friends
  15. Dammit. Beka is going out for a wine with her friends
  16. How urgent? I'm out there 2 or 3 times a month
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