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The Bronze

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Everything posted by The Bronze

  1. Have they got dates? Is it worth decent coin? I have a semi-finished Falcon or two I could hustle along.
  2. Good to know, those look infinitely better off the bat, and their prices aren't bad either, although freight outta Oz is usually a fucker. I'm on a "do it once, do it right" kick at the moment, so I might see what I've got I can whack on the trademe and maybe swing one of these. /edit - their website automatically converts to NZD, so the $181 is NZD. Jesus I feel thoroughly ripped off now.
  3. POR Sealer in the tank doing it's sealing thing. This was mid ways through, followed instructions to the letter, so should be goodbe.
  4. Yeah, I have one layer but another wouldn't hurt. it will still be pretty loose. And I can foresee seams being an issue. I did heatgun the back a bit, but the cheap nature of the carpet made me cautious. Melty. If I have a sunny weekend I might leave it out a few hours although I really want to start putting it back together rather than pissing around.
  5. It's a pisser, the front half is almost passable but the back is baggier than a whores hooch. it needs a few inches taken out of the section over the tunnel. I might take it to a local upholsterer and see if they can resew it if i cut it down. It's also cheap nylon carpet, so heatgunning it to soften it into shape is a slow careful process. I have kept the original, which might be passable.
  6. Show and tell... Vinyled parcel tray. Will probably blind me being too light, but fuckit, live once. Guts out Oh, hello quiet... New chocolate Autodec carpet. Pretty average fit so far, too big over the hump, shitty seams. one gave way in the fucking unfolding... Split Seam: Will leave it laid out for a day or so and see if it sits down a bit. Yes, it has underfelt. Good at 10 feet though... Did the first two stages of the fuel tank POR kit, still trying to dry the thing out, slow process. Hopefully some more heatgunning and air blown through this week and it'll be dry enough for the last stage.
  7. Spent a good couple of hours trying out two different sets of gauges I have and trying to figure out if my fuel and temp sender were both simultaneously shagged, if the wiring was, if the gauges are, or if some other mad shit was happening. Conducted a heap of tests eliminating variables and have pretty much concluded it's the new "totally working fine mate" sender I bought a year or two ago and the temp sender, which might be the wrong one (there are 4 that 'fit' but not all work). But am going to double check with the wizards on the Ozzie Ford forums. Took the fuel tank out, which was a prick because it was half full. filled three gas cans, and tipped the rest into a bucket to find it was brown with rust. so that got hosed out and about a half a cup of rust fell out. pissed me off as i used some hippie rust thing a while back. fuck the hippies. have a POR kit waiting to do one night this week. Got underneath and scrubbed and painted some more of the underside to tidy up the surface rust. Still some more to do but happy with a decent amount of progress.
  8. You can guinea pig them. Let us know how you get on. they do look like a decent product, but who knows. Question for thread: My sills have some dents, one reasonably substantial, and crushed seams from dicks jacking it wrong. Are these a potential wof issue? I'm prepping to get it back on the road, and want to address any potential issues before taking it in. edit/ scratch that question, searched, found, satisfied.
  9. Finished these ^ on Monday. Accidentally made an extra because I forgot I did one the other day, and found one in the boot when I went to install the one I finished. Also made a new parcel tray with some fancy puffy foam and vinyl to match the seats, which replaces the bodge job I did a few years back, and because I pulled out the LPG tank, the speakers can now sit down lower, although they still require some spacing, with the puffy foam, and one spacer visible it looks rather pro. And then I got carried away and pulled out all the seats and carpet to clean it properly and allay my fears that a leak it had previously might've caused rust. it hasn't. Sweeeeeet relief. But now I'm gonna sound deaden and new carpet it. And wire an amp into the boot. My head deck doesn't have RCA outs but I can just jack the rear outs into an amp can't I? Will find out I guess. Then feed the rear speakers extra lots. The sub install in the Galaxie is underwhelming so CBF putting one into this one. Plus plan is to use this often, so bootspace is handy. I got a quote on blasting and spraying underneath, but when I was pulling the seats out I realised how close to finished I was when I wirebrushed and hand painted it years ago so I should just save the money and put in some hard work. Fuck I hate hard work. But that'll be the plan.
  10. i bought lapbelts online, ex-usa, but USA car... http://www.seatbeltsplus.com/category/2-Point-Lap-Seatbelts.html I'm looking at a bolt-in brake upgrade for the Galaxie - https://scarebird.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=65&product_id=88 - but i'm guessing the welds may fall foul of some rules? Thoughts
  11. Dammit this thread makes me want a starlet. This one; http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/toyota/auction-934536620.htm
  12. I can drop some stuff off if you run out of things.
  13. This now has a pair speakers in the rear, in a custom made tray, with deadening underneath, it's painted black for now, and then added a pair of 4inches in the front, all nicely tucked into a little mount i made. And then i figured why not chuck a sub in the boot, so i did. And all the wiring is tucked under the carpet, which meant seats out. First thing I listened to: 2001, because masterpiece. I need to figure out how to set up the eq because so far it's under-fucking-whelming. Also metalflaked the spare wheel because I could. And took out all the door panels and lubed all the windows. Bumper still off; keep breaking bolts. Oh, I never updated with pics of the masked and resprayed checker things in the tail trim. Suffice to say it was a shit of a job, but now it's done and I felt happy until I found more things in the process that need fixing. That is all for now.
  14. please do mad things to this. it's different enough to be interesting.
  15. Might be Bill Cosby and the Super Snake. Funny story he tells.
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