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Everything posted by AndyGal

  1. My girlfriends bike is up for sale. Sweet bike for short people lol. https://touch.trademe.co.nz/listing/view/707678622
  2. We know the time and place be there at that time or don't convoy. Cheerios and I are leaving later so we won't be convoying.
  3. How many timed have you been pulled over in it so far?
  4. You must cert it at a safe height. Then wind in back down and become a renegade.
  5. Cool little car mate so awesome how its the f1 addition. You should have a go at some of the engine maintenance yourself. Its a good feeling when you get things done and learn how things work. Could save you some bill's from honda which could go towards new bits.
  6. Does the tank have another breather? It won't let the fuel through if it doesn't have one.
  7. It looks more renegade with a blue front. I like.
  8. That sounds quite ideal. Need a better meeting spot to leave chch than last time. Maybe up the road a little on our side of the road.
  9. The area that "BOX" is a steep bank so you cant swing the container out that way at all. And steep banks all round so you cant really swing off the road.
  10. We need to bring couches and marquees for shelter from the sun
  11. I would put another peg in between all your existing pegs, and have a 45 degree bracing peg right beside those, and screwed into the vertical pegs. Reinforce all the joins in your boxing as well with a cleat screwed across the back of each join. Even though your boxing isn't very high there's still a huge weight of concrete trying to bow your boxing out so it must be well braced.
  12. I hope your putting more bracing on that boxing Mexicant.
  13. Looking sweet mate! You'll be stoked I agree though, lob the indicators and reflectors, And shorten those bars and much as you can. Pining to see it fang.
  14. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Rl4IybrZWF0/S0JLbCDOzdI/AAAAAAAACrQ/_uh4d1RleHE/s1600-h/img_1494295_60456893_0.jpg
  15. Weld a bar onto it and chop your frame into something wild!
  16. Smaller seat would look sweet. Looking very tidy though.
  17. what type of car was it cletus? did it look fucking awesome!
  18. Get some LEDs in the whole light bar now with stars, hearts, and other and hello kittys.
  19. AndyGal

    Kwaka Z650

  20. Fuck yeah looking good! Same forks as my mini bike!
  21. Datto 610 you did the sweetest job on the old pitted chrome and zincd all my old shitty bolts cheers bro! Would trade again haha!
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