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Everything posted by Ned

  1. You could use some CA instead of woodglue if you want to speed the process up a bit...?
  2. Part 2 is when he takes it down to the drag strip
  3. I have those swivel ones at the top. They are pretty good
  4. And when you're done you get J5 to do some b-outs on the pad
  5. How to remove a garage from your property:
  6. expanding foam is a dick IMHO. Especially if it doesnt set quite right and then its terribly sticky once you cut it open and you just want to kill people 30 seconds in! polystyrene cuts ok with hot wire cutter, and sands well with some rough sand paper. Just buy some 30mm thick sheets from mitre10 and cut to rough size and glue in place. Just be aware if you use something like liquid nails, that the nichrome wire wont like cutting through it all that well. It will do it, but not the best
  7. Yeah, my modern car will draw more than that for a few minutes after turning the car off/locking it and then drop down to SFA after a little while
  8. Envious of galley room!
  9. i dig it man! Cool video, cool story, cool car, cool cat
  10. And congrats on best coupe bud
  11. So you've got heaps of time Keen to see how you get on
  12. No idea what REunion is so doubt I'd go haha. Easter is possibly bad for me as its the old mans birthday that weekend but I'm sure something could be arranged
  13. Ed. You are part of the social circle but its a pain in the ass to have you around most times because you bitch about people not liking you or inviting you and it puts a downer on everyone's day. I go through a lot of trouble to invite you to everything I attend with other OS boes. I have offered you free rides to ham meets on plenty of occasions (when I actually used to go) I completely understand what it feels like to have such social anxiety as I have it too, but when you don't extend the courtesy of inviting me to shit you hear about that I don't then I just can no longer be fucked tbh. Guessing some shit happened at x time in your life that fucked you up and that sucks. For me it was when I moved to the other side of the world, away from my friends and a grand total of 2 people showed up to my leaving party out of the 50+ people I invited and all said they would come. It sucks but you gotta deal with it differently. Every single post you make about not being part of the is family, or not getting invited, or whatever just works against you. People don't want a negative Nelly around and that's what you portray yourself to be on the interwebs, and doesn't help getting asked to go places etc. I am always ready to help with shit. Me and can were at your house not all that long ago helping you with something and there's not a single person on this forum that can say I have ever turned down a request to help with something, but all those people have asked for help first. Its just frustrating that you can't see that you are in the middle of it all, and that nobody hates you, but you are drifting away and only because you bitch about not being invited to something that 99% of the time either wasn't a thing, or wasn't an OS thing in the first place. And no, I don't comment or like shit in your build threads but that's because I hardly read any build threads on OS and would rather stop in at your house when I'm in the neighbourhood and see it IRL. Sorry for the harsh words, but you need to know what's what. So next time you feel like the world hates you, call me up and you can come to my house and swing a spanner on my car (god knows I don't wanna do it myself some come round whenever) or come play some N64 or something as I like you and consider you a good friend etc. xoxo
  14. I wouldnt have it on caffeine and classics day/week as it draws a reasonable crowd and ace to be able to go to both really
  15. When you do that, don't do it near the car. I smashed the bolt out, hit it on an angle and the socket flew across the driveway through an open drivers window and a closed rear passenger window
  16. Cheers mark. Blair hooked me up BIG time! Though there might be a thing or 2 I need in the future...
  17. i PMed Manu, but might as well ask here (as i cant find the CB thread) but you guys all rock 27MHz gear? and all the hand held ones in 27MHz are poos? Is there some 27mhz gear you lot recommend that does the job and doesnt cost a truck load of money?
  18. Wonder if i can listen to CB stuff on my old uniden police scanner do-dad...
  19. These guys are on it, but you could also call Sheldon at Rush automotive. He is the man who knows everything about KPs and can even sell you a bolt in solution if you want to do it the easy way... Plus he does a setup that fits under 13s as well I believe, not that you need it to be that small. I had all the SW20 and bluebird parts here at some stage which was pretty good. Easy conversion also
  20. You planning on getting to coromandel on the 28th,1st or even the 2nd?
  21. i have a whole week left, we'll see how it goes theres still a tiny bit of hope
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