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Everything posted by kyteler

  1. There should be threaded bolt holes in it boe, in two places between the studs, you screw the bolts in and it'll force/pop it off.
  2. Dude I checked the moderator control panel, no-one has been deleting your posts?? Fucking lucky your brother didn't break something! Are you sure nothing's bent, it would have to be pretty lucky to do nothing at all! I'd still want to drive it even after spinning it out though, is your brother a little soft or did he just realise that he's likely to stack it and suddenly the fun disappears from driving it
  3. Little bit of of hose, hold one end close to your ear and then go around the edges where the manifold meets the head with the other end, you'll soon hear if there's something amiss, alternatively, there's no vacuum lines that were connected to your previous manifold that aren't on the new one? My old MkII started running like shit and the ex brought it round for me to look at and it was just a perished vacuum/breather hose causing all the trouble.
  4. I started the Prince a couple of weekends back. It's been sitting since the 80's.
  5. Have you got a choke running on the sidie? We put the triple sidies on my brother's 240Z and once the fuel bowls filled up it just burst into life with a few splutters until it was warm, starting with the choke helps heaps though. Are you sure there's no manifold leaks ?
  6. Stainless Sleeved and reconditioned Brake & Clutch masters and Clutch Slave. Took them in to BNT on Tuesday, they sent them off, got them back from Hamilton on Thursday. $330 later... That side gets bolted up to the gearbox, it's still cool though! Prince ftw! I'll post up some pictures of my other spares at some stage (which these were) so you can get an idea of how they did look.
  7. Fuck that rules bro. Will be awesome when yours and nobumps are both finished, bagged fintails 60's mercs ftw. Build Thread //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/23454-mutinys-64-fin-tail/?p=596744
  8. ...but if it's an aftermarket manifold for a particular set of carbs it would take the slant of the motor and angle of fuel bowl into consideration. I still think it could easily be for both/either.
  9. Not L-series and I would say they're from a crossflow design, simply because there's too much meat on the mounting face to allow for an exhaust branches.
  10. Just do the stem seals boe, easy as. Afternoon type shit for sure.
  11. The way it can be used with points is likely with the addition of a ballast resistor.
  12. Keeping in mind whether the car is negative or positive earth etc too. What alternator you get will have to be compatible with it.
  13. I'd take a mould of the factory/standard one, even if only the recessed section and then cut the appropriately shaped hole out of your mdf and place the glassed recess section in there. If that makes sense....
  14. Is it a coil for electronic ignition? because if it is, the 12v going to the dizzy on the LT lead instead of 6v will be melting shit and fucking your points.
  15. Nah, not yet. Needs a warrant check at the end of the month, I'll get that out of the way the worry about converting it to manual.
  16. That's come up well man, good stuff. You leaving the bonnet in carbon or flicking some orange over it too?
  17. I know colour-coded wheels are very eighties, but please don't do it.
  18. The fins work best, Excels are too cluttered/mesh rim-ish
  19. Make sure the mechanism on the side that reads '0' is actually moving and functioning when the handbrake is applied.
  20. Didn't see the point of taking pictures of the coil. It's just a coil but for use with electronic ignition instead of points. Basically you grab the dizzy and the coil from a Datsun/Nissan 280ZX Unbolt your one, two 10mm bolts. Bolt the ZX one on. Replace the standard coil with ZX coil Add a extra wire that runs from the '+' terminal on the coil to terminal 'B' on the dizzy module. Use the LT wire that went from the '-' coil, to the dizzy. Attach onto terminal 'C' of the module. Bobs your Uncle, or Jake. The difference is huge. I fucked about on my 110 for a while trying to remove the miss to no avail. The electronic dizzy fixed it straight away, the car rev'd infinitely more freely and higher. Other than converting to twin carbs and putting a 5speed in, it's the best thing I've done for the car. There's both Mitsubishi and Hitachi brand modules it doesn't matter what one you get, just make sure it has that little black module on the side. If it's got a larger diameter cap but no condensor and a solid plug coming from it, then it's an optical dizzy and of no use to you.
  21. I did have a spare but I think I gave it away. I can post some pictures of what you need though.
  22. Rug Doctor's are shit. That one on TM looks ok though. You'll only really use the small shampoo wedge and the fine edge attachment. Automotive wise.
  23. It would likely have to be groomed properly depending how stinky it is, a good start though would be to remove the seats and vacuum the fuck out of the carpets and all the nooks and crannies, and some of the crannies nooks too. Then get the seats shampoo'd/wet vac'd with decent cleaner. It has to be put on, left for about a minute or so and then vacuum'd off, then it'll need a while to dry and if there's any stains they'll soak up through from the sponge layer and you'll have to surface treat them. They'll need to dry out too though, so a nice warm dry area and let them sit there until they're bone dry. Will likely need to shampoo any fabric on the interior cards too and also the carpet itself after it's been vigourously vacuumed, depending how rank it is, you might want to remove the carpet and give it a bit of a hose down while it's hanging on the washing line or some such. The hard plastic area will need some kind of citrus based cleaner to get any residual crap off, nicotene etc. Spray some onto one area, then onto another, then wipe one while the cleaner eats into the grime on the other, once they've all been cleaned properly a nice non-silica based polish to give it a shine and a protective layer and depending on the product, a nice smell. Don't let any fabric on the door cards stay wet for too long, the glue will give and they'll start peeling off, which would suck.
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