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Everything posted by ajg193

  1. Pulled the head this morning. Crack at number 4 on the gasket. Water was getting between the block and the gasket. The ring was also cracked on number 3. Looks like some water was getting pumped through the oil gallery straight into the head. Complete failure would not have been far off. Getting head skimmed this afternoon. Hopefully all back together by dinner time tomorrow.
  2. Went and pulled the valve cover today, quite a fair bit of milk covering the inside of the valve cover. That stuff wasn't there the other day. All the valves seem to be working fine and clearances are right. Head gasket issue starting?
  3. Oh fuck... Was just laying in bed and realised that I may have set the number 4 intake valve to exhaust valve clearance and vice versa.... Wait, nope.. Looks like I got it right, just got the image backwards in my head for a minute. Nevermind.
  4. Already set valve clearances. Yep, same mobile.
  5. I'm having a problemo with my 4K. When it has been sitting for about a day without being run and I go and start it, it runs on 3 cylinders for a while. It has been getting worse recently. (Started like two weeks ago, and was doing it for over a minute today). The problem is on cylinder number 4. It is getting a spark but seems to have absolutely no compression until it suddenly works? I swapped spark leads between 3 and 4 and it made no difference. I replaced all the spark leads, distributor cap, manifold gasket. I also noticed that the water level went from the full line to the low line in the reservoir during the weekend. The oil is perfectly clean. I'm suspecting either a sticky exhaust/intake vale on number 4 or a head gasket issue. Any other ideas? I'll try taking the valve cover off tomorrow evening after uni and turning it over by hand to see if it is a sticky valve. And if it is a sticky valve, how do I go about fixing it?
  6. Looks like a computer in the glade/grotto at UC
  7. Did heaps of little things over the last week or so. New distributor cap New manifold gasket some other things At the start Random pulling apart Bolts Separated. Make sure to remove the two bolts holding the exhaust bracket to the gearbox. This allows the manifolds to come away from the head. Old gaskets New gasket, Toyota part number 17172-13050. $26.71 inc GST. Removed as much of the old gasket as I could from the manifolds and head. Need to let it cool down and might have a go at starting it again tonight, just to be certain it fixed the issue of starting on 3 cylinders when cold. Also need to figure out where the coolant disappeared to between Sunday and now... It went from the high line to the low line on the reservoir.
  8. You would have easily got through that paddock in 4H or even 2H Needs turbo and more smoke
  9. Isn't it saying the engine is overheating? Edit: No, I'm dumb and don't have much knowledge of cars with electrical stuff. All I know is that is the light that came on when my alternator died in my 4A-GE (along with battery light), so I my reasoning was 'oh, the computer must think the alternator belt snapped, so the water pump isn't turning. Warn the driver that the engine could be hot.' It probably didn't help that the catalytic converter had been replaced with a nice big section of pipe.
  10. I won't be able to make it, have to be a team leader and force people to work tomorrow afternoon.
  11. Gave it a service today: New magnatec 10W-40 (This stuff is legit) New genuine Toyota filter New diff oil (It was an absolute bastard to get the plugs out of the diff, the old oil was rooted) Might do the valve clearances a bit better tomorrow, but they seemed to be all within spec today (a tiny bit on the loose side, but not noisy). Magnatec seems to do a great job of keeping the inside of the motor good
  12. Here ya go Felixx: Devil Cat: 1992 Ford Fiesta
  13. PM me your address, do we have to sign up prior?
  14. I would but I'm not sure my car is quite old enough to bring
  15. It is probably bad tyres causing the wobble. Getting them balanced will not fix the issue, it will likely make it worse. My old front tyre on my car got to a point where it was becoming elliptical, I did not know this is what was causing it to shake so I got the wheels balanced and swapped L<->R. This made the car drive horribly, it pulled to the side and shook like hell. A new (second hand) tyre fixed that and it has been perfect since. Once my front tyres run low on tread I will go and get some brand new ones.
  16. Maybe there is some sort of risk of water coming out of solution and adhering to the surface of the filter and corroding it when the holes are the correct size? Kind of like a catalytic converter EDIT: I see Dane must have read this: http://www.hastingsfilter.com/Literature/TSB/07-3.pdf
  17. I'm guessing shgwag failed to bed danger?
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