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Everything posted by AllTorque

  1. Key on, Do not start. Try pushing both buttons for 3 secs, then alternate lock/unlock. This is may not be the correct procedure for your car, but is common for most toyotas if that era.
  2. Sometimes they need to be recoded if the battery has been flat for a while. Try this.. start with drivers door open, key out of ignition. Key in, key out two times. Close open door two times. Key in, out 1time. Close, open door two times key in, close door, key on, key off, key out, push both buttons for 3 secs, push one button for 3 secs. Doors should lock/unlock.
  3. You have a lexus? What year? Actual key or push button start?
  4. Have you had a wheel alignment since putting springs in? Caster could be out on one side. Could also be one guard is mounted lower than the other. Have you measured height to te chassis,
  5. Re: starter. I'd go for the complete hi torque starter. They are great. Make sure you eyeball the ring gear teeth to check for damage.
  6. I appreciate the offer, UJ. As I am a complete newbie to panel work I have no tools (or skill). I would prefer to accumulate my own stuff, so I'll be buying a few basics as I can. I bought a roll of 0.8 wire with the welder, but will get some 0.6 if you think it will make life easier.
  7. @Unclejake what size MIG wire do you recommend?
  8. Cheers guys. Will definitely be picking some brains. I still have a bit of gear to accumulate and plan on practicing on some junk first. Plan is to just chip away, while still keeping it on the road, but things might change depending on what surprises I find.
  9. Yeah sure. Why not. Might attept to replace some rust with steel too. Any advice or links to "Make your wag less rusty for beginners" appreciated.
  10. 1KZ Prados seem to go harder with autos. Would you keep the 1KZ computer controlled or fit a different fuel pump? A compatible auto trans will need a computer and would want a efi pump to make the swap easier.
  11. /\ Dunno about the 3S Altezzas, but the 1G has a magnetic clutch between the throttle cable and the throttle plate so traction control can activate.
  12. Cheap ones are cheap. https://www.bunnings.co.nz/ozito-185mm-circular-saw_p00314984
  13. If you are talking about ditching the cats in your new daily, I wouldn't. Modern stuff have oxygen sensors after the cats to check they are working and will bring on the CEL if removed.
  14. ECU pin will be labeled "SPD" (not VSS) http://alflash.com.ua/RX/Acronyms.pdf @Seedy Al
  15. It probably uses a speed sensor for speed cut at 180kph I think the signal usually comes from the speedo. You probably don't need it, but I'm not sure how to make the code go away.
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