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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/10/12 in all areas

  1. What state does the vehicle need to be in? Coz I have this
    2 points
  2. oright picture time finally motor out for final welding seat and springs so that was all last week getting frame ready for paint which thanks to Danny we got that and the wheels done on thurday night, then i went up to Hawkes Boes Mk5 and got back for that to find the bike like this guys had put the motor forks and wheels on! then last night thanks agian to Danny/Heyhole Mum, lowered the forks Dannys bike is 96% completed but still just dailing it all in thats it for now
    1 point
  3. needs more low and wider wheels asap! was pining over my old one the other day. never should have sold it....story of my life
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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