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Hemi last won the day on October 16

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    Doing skids.
    Fixing stuff.


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  1. Then the old animal kingdom comes along and fucks everything up by converting it straight back to CO2
  2. Mannn Mr Rookie that is such a cool mission! love the truck and the camper even more. Im 90% sure i had a discussion with Diddy about one of those, or making one that used the wellside cargo hole things as spigot holders for a home made body, anyway. I saw you mentioned bags who what when and where! *edit had a quick look and you went custom. is that pretty much a simple set of bags bolted to the unbolts or nearby and then running a level sensor off the axle? or is it more complex? I mean tbh mine is probably going up as opposed to down due to the stuff out here but would be neat to know.
  3. Are you not on the ground floor, holy moly rebuilding a gearbox on a table outside above ground makes me want to hide. how did you not lose every single detent
  4. Fuck thats cool @ThePog . thats the kind of stuff that gets me excited about 3d printing. i mean model jet engines are cool . but being able to just make intricate little parts cheaply and mostly labour cost is so cool ( once initial capital is taken acre of )
  5. Where the vid of the guy whjo custom made one , fires at 2000 RPM or something ludacris ..... oh here it is *edit . skip to 3:50ish to go straight to bbbrrrrrttt
  6. Quoted a m18 battery thing to use m18 as just a noirmal battery. $900 in titanium. fuck yes.
  7. THis thread is incredible Dave . im extremley interested in this whole 3d printing in metal thing. I legit just want to make a noodle man in paint and get it metal printed just because. how cool is technology!. stink about your valves thouygh
  8. Here is a photo of me feeding lpg into the system , it would fill the glass with liquid and id just wait until it all evaporated and the pressure stabilised and put in more. after everything was said and done the vent straight off the evap was sitting at a solid 10 deg C and the core was condensing water mint , accumulator was cool but not cold and you could feel the liquid blasting into it. perfect! so there you go.
  9. Holy long time batman . well not much has been going on tbh, just sitting under cover. anyway im currently playing around with refrigeration and as a result have started collecting all the gear to work on the stuff. finally this week the vacuum pump showed up , some people in spam might have seen me just send some lpg into the a/c system and seeing what happened , amazingly it worked and not too bad. but i had no idea what was in the system prior and had not vac'd it down so with the pump now in my hands i vented the system and then put in under vacuum for an hour and then left it sitting while i went off on a mission inland. came back and needle had barely moved after 6t hours , sweeet. i had picked up some camp stove bottle with a Butane , iso-butane, propane mix , which with all their vapor pressuresw and boiling points should work mint. ( something like @ 1 bar butane is 0 deg c , iso is -12 and propane -42 or something like that. anyway pretty much used 480 grams and that got it unfrozen, at 20 psi low side and just starting to rise, so hopefully should have enough liquid in the system to stay happy , i could have calculated it but tbh im having a play and getting a feel for how thing react is what im doing it for . Im blown away that the system still work on this vehicle . like i remember driving it back from melbourne when i bought it and it kept losing power in a cyclic fashoin, i didnt click until i had pulled over for a piss and heard the a/c kick in and went" the a/c system is degassed. so the thing was pumping for hours with no gas in it. so thought the pump would be fucked. nah oil coming out was clean and no unhappy noises. stoked! anyway photos
  10. Hey @RUNAMUCK. I just read your post about the weekend in spam.
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