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Everything posted by anglia4

  1. I might have to get a "Not flash, but it will do" sticker made up for the bike, it seems to be a theme
  2. There was a rust hole in one of the rims around the stem hole, so I welded it up. I was really quite chuffed with myself for A) Not blowing the hole through into the stem hole. b) Not welding the spoke nipple to the rim. Paint is progressing, but no photos yet. Not flash, but it will do.
  3. I finally managed to find make time to lay down some primer. Now its sanding time I suppose The eagle eyed viewer may notice that painting it with the center stand installed is a bit of an odd thing to do. This is because the mounting shaft is bent, so the installation is permanent. I guess that also means it will be colour matched to the frame, also an odd thing to do...
  4. Welcome back RookieDave! Sick rig. Do a skid.
  5. Jesus! 2022 was my last progress on it! Well, after that update, we decided to sell our house. So I was frantically working on the house for about 6 months and then we moved, and the trailer doesn't fit in the new garage. So its been outside, in the grass since last June/July and its developed a bit of scale. Anyway @Duke Blackwood decided that he wanted it off his lawn, so he came up with a clever scheme that got it moved and forced me into working on it at his workshop. Yesterday I took a day off work, welded on some mounting points for a future removable tire rack and work bench, fabbed up a draw bar, and welded on the spring mounts. It was a pretty massive day in the workshop for myself, usually an office fairy... so today I'm pretty shot, to the point where my boss commented this morning on how tired I look Anyway, its finally going to be heading off to blast and paint, and then I will make it towable so I can at least move it around while I sell something to pay for the cladding.
  6. Yours has authenticity though
  7. Spent a few minutes at smoko with the premier coating system. Then, of course it rained... hopefully it managed to get dry enough first.
  8. I've been chipping away at getting this sorted. I had wanted to have it ready for this coming weekend, but that's not going to happen, so the new target is the Taupo Supercars in 3 weeks. It needed a couple of repairs: I'm not aiming for perfect, the frame is too rough of a starting point for that. Also had a crack in the petrol tank. And now it doesn't. I'll try and get some high build primer on it this week and see how it all looks after that and a sand. The foot peg assembly I got off trademe has been broken, repaired, bent and twisted... So I'm on the look out for another of those A box of parts arrived from Japan the other day, with new cables, headlight and a brake lever. New "less-broken" front guard is on order from trademe. Making progress.
  9. I also did a deal with @Itchybear and now I own this: Its another FXR150. Purchased for reasons that will become clear later on. I took it out to the track yesterday for a quick test, it hasn't been run in years and the fuel was rotten as. Stunk out my pit box for the whole day Anyway, gave it an impromptu carb clean and it was away. Needs a tune up, but its quite nimble and handles a bit better than my bike I reckon. I think having a much lighter engine than the CBR250 donk means the springing is a bit off on the castrol bike, so I might have to play with that now that I can measure the lapspeed.
  10. Long time no update. I haven't been riding much, just been busy with life. Still been involved quite a bit with stewarding etc though. The last few months I've made a real effort to get the bike out a couple of times, just done a couple of half race days along with my stewarding duties (which is ok cos I'm a bit unfit on the bike at the mo). One thing that has really been bugging me is how slow I've felt on the bike, I've felt very rusty and not confident, and as we have no timing, can't tell if I'm slower, or everyone else is faster. Back in my teenage years when I was racing Karts, I had an alfano pro, which measured rpm, lap times and head temp. The lap times were really handy, cos if you were getting clobbered, you could look at previous times and see that you are actually going as fast as you ever have, just the other guys are going even faster. I picked up an old one of these and have had it on my bucket bike to monitor the head temp when I had the 2-stroke engine, but since going 4-stroke, its only ever done rpm. They use a sensor to detect magnetic strips in the track for lap timing, and have to run pretty close to the track to pick it up, so I have never been able to make it work on the bike. I've been thinking for ages about how to try and mount it to work, and came up with this: Note the shiny new lower fairing (with sneaky lap timer hiding inside). Its off an RGV150, made up a few brackets and painted it white, and bobs your uncle, now I have lap times on the dash! I also re-painted the tail and made up some new numbers with my wife's cricut machine. I'll re-do the numbers as they didn't quite come out at regulation height, and as the steward I feel I need to lead by example, as much as I can't be bothered...
  11. I made one rev to the moon, but I never actually got it making decent power, and the vibrations kept wrecking shit.
  12. Super speedy same day turnaround at the sand blasters.
  13. This weekend in pictures: Been stranded at home with the whole family sick, so went to the barn to get something to work on. Unable to decide between finishing my ST90 or starting on the V50, I decided whichever was going to be easier to collect was the weekends project. Its now all stripped down ready to start blast & paint, and I'm about to order the missing bits from Japan. Stoked to finally be working on a Yamaha!
  14. As a Jeep owner I concur that letting your kids grow up with a sentimental attachment to the brand would definitely constitute a form of abuse. Theyre better off on drugs.
  15. Looking good! I love a nice detailed 3D model.
  16. Have you tried Anaconda spares in Te Aroha?
  17. haha fuck I always thought that was @fuel!! I got my mitsubishi weirdo's muddled. I can read your threads with some credibility now that I know you aren't the 4 x intercoolers man.
  18. Hey @Testament any movement in the past ~7 years?
  19. Must be a common issue as the spare box is a bit melted too. @johnnyfive I recommend putting a nyloc on that bolt! I had always planned to try out this airbox, as the top of mine is all chopped out and I've had troubles with it ingesting water on the big rides in the rain. I was a bit worried that the factory inlet snorkle thing would restrict power a bit. Its definitely taken the angry 2-stroke *tang* out of the note, and made things much quieter *sadface* but its heaps smoother to ride, and actually revs out nicer. I've gained an easy close to 10km/h on the highway section to work. Cruises without too much drama at 80km/h now. It was a whole subframe off job to get the airbox out, which isn't quite the ball-ache that it looks. It was actually piss easy, which is refreshing for that kind of job. I spent a bit of time on some tidy up stuff that I've wanted to get on with for a while too. I fitted some rear indicators, took off the auxiliary tank, re-attached the left hand guard and finally put the radiator shroud on. Complete with compulsory 90's trail bike zip tie to mount to a bent radiator.
  20. I was walking past this in the shed the other day and noticed the muffler looking a little droopy... The bolt must have fallen out during the King Country Crusade ride, and then things have got a bit melty... Its left a pretty huge hole in the airbox. Luckily, and with massive thanks to @johnnyfive, I have a spare airbox lying around!
  21. I just watched the videos again. So good! It reminds me of those TV resto shows where they hit the key and the thing just starts, runs and idles beautifully... and I'm sitting there watching like "yeah fuck off, they edited out all the dicking around with shit not working" Love how smooth it is on the bench.
  22. Aha. All my garden equipment is cheap shit that needs 25:1 40:1 for my bike though. /spam
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