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Everything posted by AndyGal

  1. Slam and wide wheels yes please! Nice example.
  2. Such a sweet starlet bro well done! you could get some intercooler clamps (cant remember the name of them) but they are like hose clamps but a better design and heavy duty. Once you tighten them up with a spanner they don't come undone.
  3. AndyGal

    ODBs V50

    Don't run indicators you don't legally have to and they are alway a pain in the arse.
  4. Im thinking mass hydroslide swarm at the end. Dont worry about having a wristband or waiting 20 sec between sliders. Just overpower any1 who trys to stop the pack.
  5. Im on the otherside of the world so couldnt make it haha.
  6. Replicate that photo with tyre smoke and draped nude woman.
  7. AndyGal

    ODBs V50

    Weld those pliers on and run them
  8. AndyGal

    ODBs V50

    You'll have to cut the stem down to fit the rd forks. May be worth seeing how honda ones measure up as you have to cut anyway and they may be cheaper.
  9. Fuck yeah! pining to see those wheels on!
  10. Finally started doing some things on this again. Got some s13 camber plates and drilled new holes to make them work. Got a friend to make up some RCA's as I couldn't find any for my bluebird struts. Sorry looking thing.
  11. http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii18/auszoku/Bosozoku%20Related/Champ%20road/R0010361.jpg http://godumbdc.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/jdmvan.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/530296_10151724841104184_1485678378_n.jpg IM PINING HARD!!!
  12. http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii18/auszoku/Bosozoku%20Related/Champ%20road/R0010360.jpg
  13. These look awesome with boxy TS cup sunny style flares. You can make a special hinge up that swings open and moves the door further away from the van to get clearance. Or just space the rail out. I did it with my 4wd van to get clearance. Theres a couple of pictures floating around on the net of wild ones in Japan. Zeb will have them haha.
  14. The greatest direction of all. DOWN!
  15. See if you can organize the paddock then we can have the meet there BYO.
  16. equips or long champs dont widen meshies.
  17. What a weapon! That engines looks so sweet.
  18. smaller tyres and borrow a guard roller.
  19. Yes pining that ride height! You should get the d windows chromed if you keep them, That would be filthy!
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